Strengthening Capital Utilization Efficiency

10:04:51 AM | 21/9/2023

The An Giang Management Board of Construction Investment and Urban Development is affiliated with the An Giang Provincial People’s Committee, established under Decision 411/QD-UBND dated February 26, 2016. The board is tasked to invest and administer State-funded construction investment projects.

Mr. Tran Minh Duc, Director of An Giang Management Board of Construction Investment and Urban Development 

Assigned to invest and administer investment projects, the board’s activities are convenient and effective. The agency always complies with legal regulations to ensure the efficient, economical and right use of capital.

“All investment stages, from preparation and implementation to completion, are quite convenient, quick and timely, but its responsibility is heavier, requiring it to be stricter, more cooperative, better at internal control, more democratic and transparent. It always focuses on improving the professional skills of all the staff to perform its work expertly and ensure the progress and quality of projects,” said Mr. Tran Minh Duc, Director of the Board.

Moreover, to accomplish its tasks, the board implements positive solutions to expedite the completion of project formulation, contractor selection, site clearance, design and cost estimation for verification, appraisal, approval and tender organization. The agency proactively develops plans, staged progress and construction progress of contractors to prepare monthly and quarterly funding plans and progress. It coordinates and works closely with relevant bodies and localities to exchange, address and seek opinions from competent authorities, and swiftly implements procedures to resolve issues arising from implementation. The board also regularly reminds project managers, supervisors, and project operators to adhere to their work, coordinates actively with stakeholders, holds regular meetings, inspects projects, urges constructors to execute their contracts on time, accepts the completed volume and ensures disbursement progress. Additionally, the board informs and reports to competent authorities about construction contractors who are consistently behind schedule, inspects construction equipment, human resources and material supply progress as per bidding documents, and handles contract violations.

By Quoc Hung, Vietnam Business Forum