Harmonizing Economic Development and Environmental Protection

11:03:32 AM | 10/9/2023

The natural resources and environment sector of An Giang province has been continuously reforming its management and administration to ensure the harmonization of socioeconomic development with environmental resource protection, climate change adaptation, and green growth.

Progressive evolution

Determining the importance of the natural resources and environment sector, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee of An Giang regularly give prompt instructions to make good use of natural resources, while ensuring environmental factors for sustainable development. With the close and firm direction of the province, the effort of the natural resources and environment sector, local land management has been importantly improved to align land resources into socioeconomic development. Up to now, land-use planning has been fully prepared for all administrative levels, and served as a basis for management and rational allocation of land to sectors and fields. Land authorities have granted certificates of land-use rights to 95.6% of the area. Up to 80% of the land area has been capitalized in financial and civil relations. Cadastral data is stored under modern recordkeeping methods. Within the framework of the VILG Project (Vietnam - Improved Land Governance and Database Project), since 2022, the province has completed a unified and modern land database system, gradually operated the network environment for relevant data, and ensured data provision and sharing for public service.

Environmental protection has also been optimistically enhanced, with awareness of the people and responsibility for public employees raised. Regulations and policies on environmental protection have been further improved. Investment, production and business projects that pose environmental risks have been regularly inspected, monitored and controlled. The rate of daily-life solid waste collection and treatment has increased year after year. All hazardous waste and medical solid waste are collected and treated.

Mineral resources are strictly managed. The extraction of natural resources has come into order, while illegal exploitation has been significantly addressed. The auction of mining rights is organized publicly and transparently, helping raise revenue for the state budget.

Reviewing and solving project obstacles

On June 1, 2023, An Giang Provincial People's Committee issued Decision 785/QD-UBND on establishment of a special working group responsible for reviewing and removing difficulties and obstacles and supporting local investment projects. Through the review, the province saw 60 real estate projects in difficulty. Among these 60 projects, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment was assigned to propose 13 projects.

To carry out its assigned tasks, the department actively classified documents, reviewed legality and advised the Provincial People's Committee on specific solutions to handle each project.

Currently, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment is working with relevant agencies to review the legality of investment policies, identify investors, transitional provisions of legal documents and problems with land administrative procedures to propose the Provincial People's Committee to handle those problems for enterprises as soon as possible.

In addition, the department advised the Provincial People's Committee to authorize the District People's Committees to determine specific land prices to speed up project implementation; supported enterprises in professional order and procedures to submit the request for changing the purpose of rice farming land and forest land to the Prime Minister for approval. The department is also developing regulations on land management and use in a bid to better support companies to access the land fund.

By Viet Van, Vietnam Business Forum