Survey on Tax and Customs Issues: Preparations for 2024 Dialogue Conference

1:51:11 PM | 8/13/2024

As part of its annual program and efforts to reform administrative procedures, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) will partner with the Ministry of Finance to host a national dialogue conference. This event will focus on tax, customs policies, and administrative procedures to address business challenges in 2024.

To effectively prepare for the conference and other business support activities, VCCI will gather information to evaluate business operations and tax and customs matters. We request that businesses and business associations take this opportunity to complete the provided form and submit it to the Membership Committee at VCCI by October 10, 2024. This will enable us to compile, discuss, and present your feedback to the Ministry of Finance and relevant agencies. If you wish to participate in the conference and engage directly with officials from the Ministry of Finance, including the General Department of Taxation and the General Department of Customs, please indicate your interest in the form. We will send out invitations to the Dialogue Conference once we finalize the details with the Ministry of Finance.

Additionally, VCCI welcomes businesses to share their views on all aspects related to administrative procedure reform, environmental concerns, business policies, and any challenges they are facing. VCCI will gather and collaborate with businesses to discuss these issues and report them to the Government and relevant authorities for resolution.

For further information, please contact Mr. Hung or Mr. Phong at the Membership Department, VCCI. You can reach them by phone at 024-35752107 or 024-35742165, or by fax at 024-35742020 or 024-35742030. For email inquiries, please use

By Vietnam Business Forum