Promoting Industry and Trade for Local Socioeconomic Development

3:54:22 PM | 17/4/2019

Assigned to administer industry, trade and services, the industry and trade sector of Thanh Hoa province has applied some business support solutions which helped improve the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) and affirmed its leading role in local socioeconomic development. Vietnam Business Forum Magazine has an interview with Mr. Le Tien Lam, Director of Thanh Hoa Department of Industry and Trade. Ngo San reports.

In 2018, Thanh Hoa province achieved stunning economic growth, with the industrial production value reaching VND95,000 billion (US$4.2 billion). Could you please tell us how Thanh Hoa achieved the above results?

In 2018, the province’s index of industrial production (IIP) was estimated to grow 38.9% year on year, ranking second in the country, just after Ha Tinh province. The industrial production value reached VND95,065 billion, 3.7% higher than the full-year plan and 34.2% higher than a year ago, the highest growth in many years and the highest in the North Central region. In my opinion, this outcome was the result from various causes: (1) the firm leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Council and the Provincial People’s Committee; (2) the determination of Party committees and authorities at all levels and people, especially the efforts of the business community; (3) the close observation of the Department of Industry and Trade to timely advise the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Council and the Provincial People’s Committee on solutions to deal with difficulties for enterprises in a timely manner; and (4) the urgency of bringing industrial factories and projects into operation to increase industrial production value.

To promote its achievements, in 2019, the industry and trade sector is determined that the IIP will grow by 40% or higher, the industrial production value will rise 35.7% or VND33,935 billion to VND129,000 billion (US$5.6 billion), the added industrial value will climb 34.2% to VND38,914 billion; the export value will rise 8.5% to US$3 billion; and the retail revenue will look up 11.4% to VND105,000 billion.

What do you think about the quality and efficiency of administrative reform (PAR) of the sector in the past years?

Administrative reform and control of administrative procedures at the Department of Industry and Trade have closely followed the province’s administrative reform program in 2011 - 2020. The control of administrative procedures is performed consistently. Responsible officials have actively coordinated with administrative procedure control bodies to implement assigned tasks.

Administrative procedures are made open and transparent, administrative discipline is improved, and the handling process and time is publicized at the websites of the single-window division and the department. The reception and delivery of administrative results at the Public Administration Center is effective, helping reduce settlement time, intermediaries, harassment and troubles for people.

Therefore, the sector’s administrative reform has been significantly improved in terms of quality and efficiency, thus better serving organizations, individuals and people in the province.
The administrative procedure reform is highly significant to boost economic growth, improve the business investment environment, raise relations between administrative agencies with people and businesses, ensure transparency in public services, and deal with corruption.

Do you have any suggestions for creating a favorable environment for the business community?

Currently, some tasks are still unclearly defined or lack regulations and guidance, resulting in slow settlement of administrative procedures. Therefore, Thanh Hoa province needs to urgently consolidate the regulatory system that defines the organizational structure, tasks and functions of relevant bodies to enable the industry and trade sector to take the initiative in resolving administrative procedures quickly for businesses and improving the business and investment climate.

Thank you very much!