Connecting conservation resources, unleashing potential of Bu Gia Map National Park

2:23:50 PM | 5/9/2024

With the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee, the cooperation of relevant agencies and localities and the collective effort of the Bu Gia Map National Park Management Board, diverse resources of the “green lung” of the “hardworking and heroic Southeast region” have been kept intact and gradually made Bu Gia Map a major tourist destination of Binh Phuoc province. Dr. Vuong Duc Hoa, Director of the Management Board, said: Tourism development in the national park is always difficult for localities and Bu Gia Map National Park is no exception. The board is working hard to advise and remove bottlenecks to develop tourism, preserve forest resources and link conservation with reasonable commercialization of local potential.

Chairwoman Tran Tue Hien of the Provincial People's Committee conducts an inspection of forest fire prevention measures at Bu Gia Map National Park, January 2024

What are the unique features and highlights of Bu Gia Map National Park, and the existing national park system? What role does this national park play in local and regional development?

Among 34 national parks in Vietnam, Bu Gia Map represents the transition from the Central Highlands to the Southern delta where the standard model of evergreen closed forest ecosystem on low hills and mountains with an altitude of less than 1,000m above sea level is preserved and developed. Lying in Bu Gia Map commune, Bu Gia Map district in the far north of Binh Phuoc province, the national park has an area of 25,601.18 ha, including 25,505 ha of natural forests (4,134 ha of rich forest, 1,310 ha of medium forest, 169 ha of poor forest, 304.8 ha of restored forest, 17,851 ha of mixed forest, and 1,776.5ha of bamboo and reed forest). This is an ideal place for scientific research, conservation of rare genetic resources of flora and fauna.

Research showed 1,114 plant species in 480 genera and 126 families, including 88 rare and endangered species (11 species listed in the IUCN Red Book 2020; 14 species listed in the Vietnam Red Book 2007; 76 species listed in Decree 06/2019/ND-CP and five species listed in the CITES list 2019).

The fauna consists of 835 species, including 106 mammal species, 248 bird species, 59 reptile species, 28 amphibian species, 342 insect species and 49 fish species, with 106 rare and endangered animal species (nine species listed in the IUCN Red Book 2020; 15 species listed in the Vietnam Red Book 2007; 84 species listed in Decree 06/2019/ND-CP and 40 species listed in the CITES list 2019). In addition, this is a habitat for many beneficial mushrooms and many other organisms that have not been statistically studied.

Bu Gia Map is the largest contiguous primeval forest in Binh Phuoc, one of the two largest national parks in the Southeast region. Along with Cat Tien, Bu Gia Map helps protect and regulate water resources for downstream hydroelectric and irrigation reservoirs in the Be River. Blessed with landscape, ecological and cultural values, Bu Gia Map National Park is also an attractive eco-tourism destination of the province and the region.

Over the past two decades since its inception in 2002, what solutions and activities has the board consulted and implemented to conserve, protect, reasonably exploit and promote the values of natural resources, habitats, flora and fauna, and unique culture of Bu Gia Map National Park?

Bu Gia Map National Park was established under Decision 170/2022/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister dated November 27, 2022. In the early days, the park had 30 employees (five with university degrees), including the management, two specialized agencies and a ranger unit. At present, its apparatus has been completed, including the management, two consulting agencies, a center, and a ranger unit with 84 employees. Facilities, equipment and means have been invested and basically meet management and operation requirements. The professional capacity of employees has also been elevated with a PhD degree, five master’s degrees, 47 university degrees, 10 college degrees and 10 intermediate degrees. All are confident in their commitment to the park development.

The board has carried out many solutions and activities to protect and develop forests, conserve biodiversity, rescue and preserve wildlife and develop tourism. It has promoted communications to raise public awareness in forest fire prevention. The board has contracted forest protection to over 600 indigenous households in 15 contracted units; stayed on duty around the clock with forest rangers - the only such model in national parks in Vietnam; applied Technology 4.0 to forest fire management, protection and prevention, used “pre-burning” silvicultural techniques; increased patrols and protected forests at the root at any time.

In addition, the board has coordinated with agencies, scientists, and research institutes to carry out many biodiversity surveys throughout the forest area. Rescue and conservation activities have been concentrated. People and authorities have transferred many rare animals for training and releasing into the wild.

Bu Gia Map National Park has seen the formation of some tourist routes and ecotourism types linked with the values of natural resources, habitats, flora and fauna, and the unique culture of buffer-zone communities, thus creating sustainable livelihoods and safeguarding unique cultures.

How have the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Council and the Provincial People’s Committee of Binh Phuoc led, directed and allocated investment resources for the national park in recent years?

In recent years, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Council and the Provincial People’s Committee have constantly attended, closely directed, and effectively allocated resources for the implementation of forest protection and development projects and plans.

From 2010 to 2011, the project of relocating and stabilizing encroaching farmers in the forest area of Bu Gia Map National Park out of the settlement area (the first phase) was launched. All 212 households were relocated, 294 ha of encroached cashew farms were exchanged for the outside forest area of the national park, making people feel secure in production and raising their awareness of forest protection.

From 2012 to present, carrying out the specially used forest investment and development policy for the 2011 - 2020 period (Decision 24/QD-TTg dated June 1, 2012 of the Prime Minister), each year, the board has supported VND480 million for 12 buffer zone villages in Dak O and Bu Gia Map communes to repair public works and buy trees and seedlings for development.

Currently, the sustainable forest development plan at Bu Gia Map National Park for the 2021 - 2030 period has been approved by the Provincial People's Committee, serving as a basis for adopting consistent and comprehensive investment and development projects and programs. On September 16, 2022, the committee issued Decision 1693/QD-UBND recognizing Bu Gia Map National Park Eco-tourism Area as a provincial tourist area and executed many tourism development promotion plans in the park.

In addition, the Provincial Party Committee has ratified many action programs, especially the campaign to turn Bu Gia Map National Park into a World Biosphere Reserve. The Provincial People's Committee has also directed the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to connect and promote its images to tourists and choose Bu Gia Map as a key destination for tourism development investment projects. This is a favorable condition to boost ecotourism in Bu Gia Map National Park.

The early adoption of the Tourism Development Project to tap and promote the great natural, historical and cultural values of Bu Gia Map National Park is rather urgent as it not only fascinates tourists but also attracts investment resources from society and businesses. Would you give some recommendations on this issue?

The Provincial People's Committee approved the Bu Gia Map National Park Ecotourism Development Project for the 2018 - 2025 period. However, due to overlapping policies, the fund for implementation has not been allocated. The Management Board and the people hope that existing bottlenecks will be soon removed to get the project executed to entice tourism development investment, create livelihoods for people and ease pressure on forest resources.

Specially, Bu Gia Map National Park not only has pristine natural landscapes, rich flora and fauna, and unique cultural features, but also keeps historical imprints with a special national relic: The end point of Truong Son petroleum pipeline. However, due to the passage of time, this relic has been gradually ruined. Towards the 50th anniversary of national reunification (1975 - 2025), if timely investment is made, the relic will become a bright tourist spot, a "red address" for revolutionary education because this is the tradition and pride of the Truong Son Warrior Army, the petroleum industry and the people of Binh Phuoc and the southeast.

Thank you so much!

By Ngo Khuyen, Vietnam Business Forum