Ha Tinh Industry and Trade Sector: Motivation for Economic Development

2:39:28 PM | 25/1/2015

In the context of economic difficulties, Ha Tinh trade and industry continues to grow, thanks to the efforts of agencies, organisations and the business community in the province. Many indicators of industrial and commercial development of the province have met projected objectives.
Industry has grown quite well. The industrial production value in the first 11 months of 2014 reached VND7,786.8 billion; the estimated value of 2014 reaches VND9,004.644 billion, up 22.97 percent compared with that in 2013. In particular, the value of processing industry and manufacturing is estimated at VND7,298.873 billion, up 22.23 percent; the value of manufacturing and distribution of electricity is estimated at VND1,183.294 billion, up 64.65 percent; the value of mining sector is estimated at VND445.2 billion, down 21.6 percent; the value of water supply and sewage increased by 2.76 percent compared with that in 2013. The output of a number of major industries increased, such as beer (up 70.9 percent), fibre (up 142.6 percent), electricity (up 364.2 percent), starch (up 20.9 percent), and frozen seafood (up 32.8 percent).
In the field of trade and services, the whole outlook of commodity and service markets in 2014 was relatively stable; there was no scarcity or abnormal fluctuations of supply and demand. Due to the implementation of effective policies to stabilise prices in the province, the the price on holidays or during periods of disasters and floods has slight fluctuations. Total retail sales of goods and services in 2014 are estimated to reach VND3,2515.3 billion, up 19.59 percent compared with that in 2013, which achieves the plan. Currently, the goods produced in Ha Tinh are found in many countries and regions all over the world. Particularly, the imports and exports in the first 11 months of 2014 reached US$124.69 million, those are estimated to reach VND138.5 million, up 10.45 percent compared with that in 2013, which reached 100.36 percent of the plan. Some items have gained average turnover growth such as seafood (expected to grow 31.03 percent), tea (up 16.59 percent), starch (up 47.06 percent), textiles, and fibres that us estimated at US$8 million, an increase of 419.48 percent compared with that in 2013.
According to Mr Tran Nhat Tan, Director of the Ha Tinh Department of Industry and Trade, along with current successes, industry practices still have some problems such as inefficient propaganda and policy mechanisms for rural industry, processing and consumption of staple products of the province, inconsistent infrastructure for production, limited industrial production associated with consumption of local agricultural raw materials and weak commercial infrastructure in the rural areas and ineffective implementation of the campaign "Vietnamese people use Vietnamese goods”.
Regarding the goals and tasks in 2015, Mr Tan said that the Department of Industry and Trade will focus on completing the development targets of industrial and commercial services that are defined in the Resolution of the 17th Party Congress of the province in 2010-2015 term and in the People's Council Resolution on the socio- economic development plans in the periods of 2011-2015. The department also accelerates the construction of key projects and promote the production capacity of the plants that are put into operation associated with the mobilization of resources to develop core industrial clusters and trade - key services such as the clusters of steel, textile and trade, clusters of trade in Vung Ang Economic Zone, Cau Treo International Border, and Nam Hong (Hong Linh) industrial zone. At the same time, the department is strengthening international economic integration and gradually improving the commercial infrastructure to build up a healthy market. The department also performed well the industrial promotion and local industrial programs for transforming the model of market management, enhancing the consumption of products produced in the province and boosting Vietnamese goods purchased and used by Vietnamese people.
In addition, the department is promoting investment and brand management, associated with the province's focus on resolving difficulties and removing the obstacles for businesses and engineers that are interested in the discipline of the public service staff, as well as developing the human resources in the industry and trade sector.
Duy Anh