Hai Phong Police: Intensifying Crime Prevention, Ensuring Security

10:53:42 AM | 26/10/2023

Hai Phong Police have initiated and collaborated on various campaigns to deter and capture criminals and attained many successes on security fronts to guarantee peace for residents, businesses, investors and tourists in Hai Phong City.

The National Assembly oversight delegation and Hai Phong Police leaders paid a working visit to the Fire and River Rescue Team

Keeping security and order

Colonel Pham Viet Dung, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Hai Phong Police, said: The city has maintained national defense, security, social order and safety; effectively controlled the COVID-19 pandemic; achieved stable economic performance; improved people’s livelihoods; and created a safe and convenient environment for investors, enterprises and tourists. These achievements have been significantly supported by Hai Phong Police in the city’s construction and development.

Hai Phong Police has proactively advised the City Party Committee and People’s Committee to lead and coordinate departments, branches, unions, agencies, organizations and people to ensure security and order, mobilize the strength of the entire political system and all the people to keep security and order, ensure peace for the people, and assure investors and tourists in Hai Phong City.

At the same time, Hai Phong Police collaborated in propagating, disseminating and educating security and order laws for people, agencies and organizations. The agency has informed people of criminal tricks and methods to help them stay alert and prevent crimes.

The agency has built and strengthened the grassroots civil defense force as the core of local security and order; and increased patrols, controls, and checkpoints to prevent and promptly arrest illegal acts.

As a result, theft, robbery and property confiscation have decreased significantly. Some serious cases were solved by the police force, thus alleviating public concerns in society. The high rate of solving crimes has helped deter criminal intentions.

Notably, the police force has ensured security and order in industrial zones and economic zones in the city over the past years. Economic Security Department (Unit PA04) of Hai Phong Police has uncovered and destroyed many major cases.

Colonel Pham Viet Dung affirmed: These achievements result from the effort of all police officers in effectively implementing solutions to prevent, suppress, investigate and handle crimes. Hai Phong Police prioritize preventing crimes, closely combining social prevention and professional prevention, based on the principle of “early prevention from the lowest levels, focus on crime prevention in crucial areas.”

Officers at the Economic Security Unit of Hai Phong Police are working on the information security policy with an FDI enterprise

PCI - Key tasks of the police

With the support and guidance of the City Party Committee and the City People’s Committee, Hai Phong Police are always aware that improving the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) and the District and Department Competitiveness Index (DDCI) is one of the key tasks to be implemented consistently, effectively and specified in annual work programs. Recognizing the importance of the PCI Index for the “development and position of Hai Phong City”, Hai Phong Police promptly developed and launched Plan 1297/KH-CAHP-PV01 dated September 12, 2022 to inform police units and localities to execute it, after receiving Plan 201/KH-UBND dated August 23, 2022 from the City People’s Committee on PCI improvement in 2023. At the same time, Hai Phong Police directed its subordinated units and localities to closely follow PCI component indicators, effectively adopt the office culture and behaviors to the masses, simplify administrative procedures, perform assigned duties and responsibilities to better serve people and enterprises.

As a result, police officers have significantly changed their attitudes, responsibilities, proactiveness and ways to perform official duties; communicated with people and businesses supportively, attentively, emotionally, friendly and enthusiastically; reinforced the trust between authorities at all levels and police forces with the business community and people in the spirit of “innovation - creativity - transparency - simplicity - fairness - business support.” These moves have been recognized and appreciated by people and businesses in the city.

Moreover, Hai Phong Police has further strengthened contextual and situational understanding and basic professional work to actively prevent and combat all types of crimes; accelerated administrative procedure reforms; actively launched or participated in police-business dialogues and conferences to grasp their thoughts, recommendations and feedback relating to police for timely resolution.

With its effort, Hai Phong Police helped raise the Legal Institutions, Security and Order Index (by 0.66 points), which in turn partly enabled Hai Phong City to secure the third place in the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) rankings in 2022 out of 63 provinces and cities and the third place out of 11 Red River Delta provinces and cities.

The Economic Security Unit (Unit PA04) of Hai Phong Police is a leading unit in ensuring security and order in industrial zones and economic zones in Hai Phong City for many years. Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Binh Khanh, Head of Unit PA04, said: The unit successfully dismantled many specialized cases; and detected, investigated and prosecuted many cases transferred to investigation agencies. A typical example was the large-scale forex and cryptocurrency trading case that involved thousands of people in 15 provinces and cities with a trading value of over VND7,500 billion or the case of Nguyen Thi Thuy who committed fraud and forged documents and seals of authorities. In addition, the unit advised and guided relevant agencies and businesses to launch national security campaigns; and advised the successful organization of government-business dialogues and conferences for industrial parks in the city. 

The unit was honorably awarded the Emulation Flags by the Prime Minister in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022; the First Class Order of Fatherland Defense in 2019 by the President. Many teams and individuals were recognized by leaders at all levels and awarded many certificates of merit. The Party Committee of Unit PA04 is recognized as a “clean, strong and exemplary grassroots party organization.”
 Regarding fire and drowning prevention, the Fire and Rescue Police achieved many remarkable merits. Therefore, on June 13, 2023, the President signed a decision conferring the title “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces” to the force. 

Major Hoang Van Tham, team leader, said: Over the past 10 years, the Fire and Rescue Police has organized and coordinated with firefighting forces to handle 44 fires and explosions and 38 rescue cases on rivers and seas to rescue 66 people and find 39 victims. Among its outstanding feats, the team promptly prevented environmental disasters from fires and explosions, such as a very dangerous explosion of the pump chamber of Hai An Ship 16 owned by Hoang Phat Service Investment Co., Ltd in 19 days in late 2017, a fire on Hai Ha Oil Tanker 18 in 2018, and a fire on Contship ACE Ship of Cyprus.

Ha Thanh (Vietnam Business Forum)