Digital Transformation Sparks Breakthroughs in Local Development

10:29:47 AM | 9/5/2024

Reforming administrative procedures, accelerating information technology application, building e-government and digital government, and improving the investment and business environment are strategic breakthrough tasks, announced by the 11th Provincial Party Congress, to transform Binh Phuoc from a "development reserve" to a "development momentum" position in the Southeast region. Up to now, after more than half the current administration term, the province has achieved many positive results. 

Our reporter has an interview on this topic with Mr. Nguyen Minh Quang, Director of the Department of Information and Communications. 

What do you think about the results of digital transformation, e-government and digital government development?

In the past years, Binh Phuoc has determined that “Digital transformation solves social problems, for a better life for the people”. In 2021, the Provincial Party Committee issued Resolution 04/NQ-TU dated May 18, 2021 on digital transformation to 2025 to shape and carry out digital transformation. Based on the resolution, the Provincial People's Committee and the Provincial Steering Committee for Digital Transformation issued many instructive documents for implementation.

Specially, the province issued the 92-day strategy for implementation of online public services and the 90-day strategy for granting of citizen identification cards and electronic identification. During the 90-day peak period, 100% of eligible people have been granted citizen identification cards, had electronic identification activated, used registered SIM cards with digital signatures and switched to use 4G-enabled smartphones to replace 2G-enabled phones that are turned off after September 1, 2024.

Binh Phuoc has accelerated digital transformation to develop digital government and reform administrative procedures. The province issued a resolution on exemption and reduction of fees and charges for the use of online public services: 20-100% reduction for six types of fees and charges in land, business registration, and household registration fields when using online public services in 2024. Up to now, 84.68% of public services have been provided online. Its rate of integration and provision of public services ranked 7th out of 63 provinces and cities; its rate of providing electronic copy certification services from originals ranked 9th out of 63 provinces and cities; and many other indicators have increased from 2023. Index 766 - the measure of public and business service in implementing administrative procedures and providing public services - ranked 3rd out of 63 provinces and cities.

Regarding digital society, the 4G network has been upgraded to cover 100% of the province to ensure swift and convenient data mining while the 5G network has been piloted at the Square of Provincial People's Committee. All communes and villages established community digital technology teams which, together with people, are provided with digital skills. At the same time, they have sped up the organization of digital technology courses and digital skills courses for members of the Steering Committee on Digital Transformation, members of community digital technology teams and people. As many as 129,089 out of 334,507 electronic identification accounts (38.59%) have been activated. 22,471 out of 22,095 people (over 101%) are upgraded from 2G networking capability to higher capability. Binh Phuoc also issued digital signatures for 250,000 citizens with registered SIM cards and 30% of adult citizens in the province have digital signatures.

As for digital economy, the province has organized conferences and training seminars to popularize digital platforms, digital utilities, digital transformation knowledge, e-commerce for businesses, cooperatives and production/business households. Currently, Binh Phuoc has about 300 active digital service providers and nearly 500 organizations and individuals on e-commerce platforms with more than 500 products. All supermarkets, shopping malls and convenience stores have POS devices and accept cashless payments.

So far, Binh Phuoc has basically completed its targets on digital government, digital economy, digital society as per Resolution 17/NQ-CP on key tasks and solutions for e-Government government in 2019 - 2020, with a vision to 2025. On digital transformation ranking, it ranked 9th and 12th out of 63 provinces and cities in 2021 and in 2022, respectively.

To have successful digital transformation, the infrastructure system, including postal and telecom infrastructure, must always be one step ahead. How do you think about the province's postal and telecom infrastructure system as well as its business support for synchronous infrastructure investment in this field?

The province currently has 13 postal companies and seven telecommunications companies. The postal network for Party and State agencies ensures that 100% of classified postal items are delivered by law. 3G/4G mobile networks have covered all villages and hamlets and fiber optic cables have been deployed to 100% of households. 5G network coverage has reached industrial parks, residential areas, and central areas. The public telecommunications system has worked effectively. Up to now, 1,180,156 subscribers have upgraded their obligatorily standardized subscriber information and the subscriber to population ratio is 102% in the province. Digital signatures have been granted to more than 251,000 adults. More than 22,000 people have their device network capability converted from 2G to 4G. More than 5,000 devices were purchased to support 2G-to-4G upgrade.

The province signed a cooperation agreement with Vietnam Post Corporation, Viettel Group, and Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group to develop postal and telecommunications infrastructure for digital transformation.

The Department of Information and Communications will continue to promptly and effectively advise local authorities on measures and policies for implementation telecom infrastructure development plans, coordinate with agencies under the Ministry of Information and Communications to support and facilitate telecommunications firms to implement the sector’s plans. At the same time, the department will consult the Provincial People's Committee to promulgate a plan for passive telecommunications infrastructure in the locality and start implementation immediately after policies come into effect.

What lessons have been learned from digital transformation?

To successfully implement comprehensive digital transformation, it is essential to have the care, direction and support of the central government and the strong resolve of Party committees and authorities at all levels. On the other hand, it is necessary to have close coordination among relevant agencies and localities in development and implementation.

Then, it is important to widely propagate and raise awareness of public employees, people and businesses. The participation of relevant bodies must be truly active and consensual.

It is necessary to raise the quality of constructing and implementing digital transformation programs and plans. Programs and plans for implementation of Resolution 04-NQ/TU at all levels of government, localities and agencies must be truly feasible, appropriate, practical, and specific with targets, tasks, solutions and resources. At the same time, there is a need to assign responsibility and specify implementation time; regularly urge, monitor, check implementation results, and promptly make corresponding changes.

Furthermore, it is important to train and develop human resources for management, implementation and application of information technology and digital transformation. Relevant personnel must be professional, scientific, managerially capable, professionally expert and experienced.

In addition, digital platforms and digital infrastructure must be invested in a concentrated manner and built synchronously. At the same time, it is necessary to mobilize many funding sources for investment and development of digital infrastructure - centrally funded, locally funded, socially funded and other forms.

Thank you very much!

By Nguyen Bach, Vietnam Business Forum