VCCI Actively Advances Resolution 41-NQ/TW

12:29:45 PM | 4/29/2024

Resolution 41-NQ/TW, issued by the Politburo, features the objective of fostering and enhancing the influence of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new era. This resolution is a testament to the Party’s commitment to cultivating a robust contingent of Vietnamese entrepreneurs, tasked with contributing to the realization of Vietnam’s ambition of becoming a developed nation by 2045. The development and execution of an action program to implement Resolution 41 ranks among the highest priorities for the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in the forthcoming period.

Resolution 41-NQ/TW is aimed at cultivating and enhancing the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the modern era

Reaffirmed importance of entrepreneurs and enterprises

As revealed by VCCI Vice President Nguyen Quang Vinh, the Party and the State have long advocated the cause of nurturing and developing the role of Vietnamese enterprises and entrepreneurs. This commitment has been particularly evident during the period of reform, with the focus on this area intensifying.

In a decision in 2004, the Government officially declared October 13 as Vietnamese Entrepreneurs’ Day (Decision 990/QD-TTg dated September 20, 2004). In 2011, the Politburo, for the first time in history, issued a resolution on fostering and enhancing the role of entrepreneurs (Resolution 09-NQ/TW dated December 9, 2011).

In 2013, the rights of entrepreneurs and enterprises to invest, produce, and conduct business were enshrined in the nation’s legislative framework through the 2013 Constitution.

The perspectives, policies, care and recognition extended by the Party and State toward entrepreneurs and enterprises have instilled confidence and resilience, enabling them to broaden their horizons, surmount challenges, and make significant contributions to the country’s remarkable economic development during the doi moi (renovation) period.

On the occasion of Vietnam Entrepreneurs’ Day 2023, VCCI’s leaders were honored with floral baskets from Party and State leaders for their contributions to business community development, coinciding with a significant boost to the business community through the promulgation of Resolution 41-NQ/TW by the Politburo

On October 10, 2023, the entrepreneurial landscape and the broader business community received a boost when the Politburo promulgated Resolution 41-NQ/TW. This resolution, aimed at cultivating and enhancing the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the modern era, superseded Resolution 09-NQ/TW.

Mr. Nguyen Quang Vinh said the role and stature of Vietnamese entrepreneurs have been significantly elevated and broadened compared to the provisions of Resolution 09. This resolution highlights the Party’s evolving understanding of the role and position of entrepreneurs, particularly in this new era - a period for achieving the nation’s developmental objectives.

VCCI President Pham Tan Cong said that the VCCI has been long involved in shaping the business environment. It is highly appreciated by the Government, the National Assembly, and central agencies for its advisory role and its constructive review of policies aimed at enhancing the business environment. As guided by Resolution 41, the VCCI’s objective for 2024 and subsequent years is to accelerate a radical improvement in the investment and business environment, ensuring it is conducive, secure, and equitable.

Cong said that while the preceding resolution merely highlighted “advantages”, Resolution 41 heralds transformative changes with the Politburo incorporating two additional elements: “safety” and “equality”. During the initial phase of the Doi Moi period, the aspiration to break free from poverty and establish prosperous businesses served as a powerful motivator for Vietnamese entrepreneurs. Safety and sustainability were not the primary concerns at that juncture. However, the current scenario is markedly different. Entrepreneurs now prioritize safety for themselves, their families, and their businesses, which also serves as an impetus for them to confidently expand their ventures.

As part of the solutions to be implemented, Resolution 41 advocates the introduction of suitable economic sanctions to address violations, thereby decriminalizing economic relations. This policy aligns seamlessly with the market economic mechanism and fulfills the expectations of entrepreneurs and society at large. The enactment of the resolution may be a time-consuming process as it necessitates institutionalization, achieving a shared understanding, and implementing related policies. Regardless of the challenges, we must exhibit determination and resolve to execute it, as these are fundamental prerequisites for establishing a favorable and safe business environment, as proposed by the resolution and in line with international practices.

Cong added, “With the advent of Resolution 41, it is incumbent upon entrepreneurs to collaborate in building a new business culture and environment, thereby facilitating the smooth, safe, and sustainable development of entrepreneurs and enterprises.”

Promoting a favorable, safe and equitable business environment

According to Pham Tan Cong, Resolution 41 positions VCCI as a political, social and professional entity that safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of entrepreneurs and enterprises. It serves as a robust conduit between the Party and enterprises. Concurrently, the Politburo has entrusted VCCI with pivotal and specific tasks related to bolstering business and entrepreneur development and implementing Resolution 41.

To ensure comprehensive and effective enforcement of the resolution, VCCI will concentrate on key areas in the future. These include actively aiding the creation of a safe and equitable business environment and participating proactively in policy development and institutionalization to shape a business environment as outlined in Resolution 41. Furthermore, VCCI will undertake research and modify the criteria for assessing the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) to align closely with the policies and orientations stipulated in Resolution 41.

In addition, to assist businesses in market development and creating new growth avenues, VCCI will advance business support programs to penetrate markets, particularly international ones. It will leverage Free Trade Agreement (FTA) accords that Vietnam has signed, focusing primarily on major, strategic partners such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan to establish connections with domestic businesses.

The annual meeting of the Vietnam Leading Business Council held in Quang Ninh province

Particularly, VCCI will focus on refining and advocating Vietnamese ethical standards and business culture, aligning them with national identity and assimilating the essence of global business culture. This will contribute to building the soft power of Vietnamese entrepreneurs and enterprises based on ethical values and business culture.

VCCI will also initiate training programs for Vietnamese entrepreneurs, with a special emphasis on senior business leaders, to help cultivate a formidable entrepreneurial force commensurate with the country’s development goals and tasks in the new era.

VCCI President Pham Tan Cong affirmed that VCCI will be resolute in advising and executing Resolution 41 nationwide and will encourage trade associations and entrepreneur associations to participate in Resolution 41. The VCCI Party Committee will collaborate with the Central Economic Commission and relevant agencies to regularly monitor, urge, and supervise the implementation of the resolution and report to the Politburo and the Party Secretariat. Given that Resolution 41 is intimately linked to the interests and future of entrepreneurs, enterprises, and the country, VCCI and other associations will need to undertake robust actions and activities to enforce it.

By Quynh Chi, Vietnam Business Forum