Some Key PCI Tasks in 2020

8:25:27 AM | 4/9/2020

Despite being in the group of provinces and cities with good operating quality, the top PCI in the Southeast region, to overcome the limitations, maintain and apply inherent strengths to continue improving PCI results, Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee has directed all industries and levels to focus on implementing a number of key tasks in 2020.

- The Department of Planning and Investment studies and shortens the business registration time of an enterprise in accordance with law; researches and proposes business support services. It will continue to promote the provision of online enterprise certification; coordination in managing foreign investment projects, business registration with the Authority of Industry Parks (IPs), the Authority of Vietnam – Singapore Industry Parks (VSIP).

- The Authority of provincial IPs and the VSIP Authority urges and reminds IP investors to speed up the implementation of IPs, and accelerates the synchronous construction of technical infrastructure according to the plan.

- Department of Justice, Department of Information and Communication and press agencies organize programs to propagate and disseminate the labor law; support, provide information and legal knowledge to serve production and business activities for enterprises. It is important to improve the efficiency of legal aid centers for businesses when disputes occur.

- Department of Natural Resources and Environment continues to research, shorten time and handle administrative procedures related to land, especially procedures related to enterprises; advises the Provincial People's Committee to promulgate a list of appropriate annual land prices, ensure the harmonization of interests between parties when conducting land acquisition of the enterprise.

- The Department of Information and Communication improves the quality and efficiency of the province's website to facilitate conditions for businesses to approach and access provincial business support policies, planning documents, published provincial plans and budgets. They will create a forum for exchange and policy criticism for people and businesses.

- Department of Home Affairs continues to research and improve the one-stop shop of the province towards modernity, friendliness, openness and transparency; further promotes information technology application to create favorable conditions for people and businesses when performing necessary administrative procedures. It will continue to implement the plan of training and fostering civil servants, focusing on practical skills and subjects having direct contact with people and businesses, especially focusing on educating officials on ethical and cultural behavior.

- The Provincial Tax Department focuses on reviewing and reducing procedures to further facilitate enterprises, and performs tax inspection and examination which are appropriate and convenient for enterprises in the spirit of Decree 41/2020 / ND-CP dated 8/4/2020 of the Government.

- The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs coordinates with relevant departments and agencies to develop plans for training and fostering to improve management knowledge for business owners every year; having plans to train qualified human resources and improve workers' skills, helping businesses reduce recruitment costs and re-training costs and improve employee satisfaction. It will step up the socialization of vocational training activities in coordination with business associations to promptly grasp the actual labor needs and have training solutions in the direction of close to the requirements.

- The Department of Industry and Trade strengthens support for industry associations to focus on practical and effective trade promotion activities, supporting businesses to participate in domestic and foreign exhibitions to help businesses promote products, expand domestic and export markets. It will enhance the role of industry associations in providing information on laws, markets, providing business services, and supporting trade promotion, dispute resolution; discussing and recommending to the provincial authorities at all levels on policies, laws, improving the investment and business environment.

- The Provincial People's Court strengthens coordination with the Procuracy and Civil Judgment Enforcement in resolving disputes, speeding up the time for handling economic disputes, implementing dissolution procedures or bankruptcy of the businesses.

- Heads of departments, bureaus, industries, localities and units publicly announce in various forms of procedures, composition of dossiers, types of forms, detailed instructions to complete the form of administrative procedures, regulations on settlement time, fees and charges according to regulations so that people and businesses can easily understand and implement.

Source: Vietnam Business Forum