Sci-Tech - Driving Force for Socioeconomic Development

11:47:02 AM | 18/8/2022

An Giang province has made great strides in science and technology which has become a driving force and foundation for socioeconomic development.

Outstanding achievements

One outstanding scientific and technological achievement of An Giang province is increasing rice production output from 1 million tons in 1988 to over 4 million tons in 2020, realized by effective scientific projects applied to construction of irrigation canals, flood-prevention dikes, rural traffic and flood watersheds, to selection and reproduction of water- and drought-resilient and disease-resistant crops. In addition, successful artificial reproduction of pangasius fingerlings, initiated in 1999, has opened up new industries, served production, farming, and supply of raw materials for export processing.

Following Resolution 09-NQ/TU of An Giang Provincial Party Committee on high-tech agriculture development, An Giang province created many rice varieties and adopted many farming models. In addition, the province made eight detailed plans for high-tech agricultural production; and promulgated support mechanisms and policies such as investment incentive, technical and credit support and consumer market development. On that basis, it attracted and incubated more than 10 core high-tech agricultural enterprises.


To make science and technology one of driving forces for socioeconomic development, An Giang province focuses on developing high-tech agriculture, smart agriculture, climate-resilient sustainable agriculture and tourism agriculture. The province develops inter-agency research on natural sciences with engineering and technology sciences, social sciences and humanities in order to create a database to address urgent and long-term matters concerning food security, human health, environmental protection, energy and natural resources, especially response to climate change.

At the same time, it is necessary to place enterprises at the center of scientific and technological development and raise the share of investment funds for science and technology from enterprises. The province will take science, technology and innovation as the foundation for socioeconomic development, turn science and technology into a main driving force to create added value, enhance competitiveness of key agricultural products, and increase income for farmers. Given high-tech application, safety technology and manufacturing technology are applied to generate added value for agricultural products and accelerate rural industrialization and modernization, An Giang province aims to raise its per capita income to Top 3 in the Southwest by 2030.

Mr. Tran Phu An, Director of the Department of Science and Technology, said that An Giang province currently has three science and technology enterprises.

On April 14, 2022, the department advised the An Giang Provincial People’s Committee to issue Decision 732/QD-UBND on scientific and technological development plan in An Giang province to 2030. The plan eyes for 10 more certified scientific and technological companies and supports at least five enterprises starting from research institutions and educational institutions by 2030 which will then become scientific and technological companies. Thus, by 2030, the province is expected to have at least 18 certified scientific and technological companies.

An Giang also focuses on business support solutions, especially science and technology firms, enabling them to access central and local support programs such as technology transfer support programs, technology application and innovation programs, and National Technology Innovation Fund.

At the same time, the province will strengthen support solutions for science and technology companies according to Decree 13/2019/ND-CP dated February 1, 2019 of the Government on science and technology companies, especially preferential policies on corporate income tax, research and commercialization of scientific and technological results.

Source: Vietnam Business Forum