Resolve for Hau Giang Breakthrough Development

10:20:48 AM | 15/6/2022

With the theme "Businesses come, Hau Giang is happy", Hau Giang Investment Promotion Conference 2022 is expected to create a new impetus for investment inflow and provide an opportunity for all levels of provincial government to prove their determination for breakthrough development of Hau Giang province. Mr. Dong Van Thanh, Chairman of Hau Giang Provincial People's Committee, has an interview with Vietnam Business Forum on this matter. Ngo Khuyen reports.

Hau Giang managed to overcome hardships to achieve and beat most economic growth and investment targets in 2021. Could you kindly tell us how the province is promoting this performance in 2022 and beyond?

In 2021, Hau Giang province adopted many drastic and strict measures to control the COVID-19 epidemic while quickly establishing a new normal life and applying appropriate solutions to minimize epidemic impacts. Despite facing numerous difficulties, with the determination and effort of the Party, government and people, Hau Giang still managed to achieve and exceeded important social and economic development results: GRDP growth of 3.08% to VND39,726 billion; per capita GRDP growth of 2.5% to VND54.43 million; total social investment value of VND17,330 billion; domestic and foreign direct investment value of VND13,576 billion; and 541 new companies with a combined registered capital of VND3,405.08 billion.

To further promote achievements, the Provincial People's Committee issued the Socioeconomic Development Plan in 2022 assigned to provincial and local agencies with the goal of "Continuing to adapt safely, flexibly, effectively control the COVID-19 epidemic, with focus on restoring manufacturing and business; prioritizing capital, mobilizing and effectively using resources for infrastructure investment, industrial, agricultural, urban and tourism development; improving education and training quality, gradually stepping up science and technology application and transfer, cultural and social activities; accelerating administrative reform, building e-government and smart city; ensuring national defense and security, maintaining political security and social order and safety".

Accordingly, key economic indicators kept going up: GRDP growth of 8%; GRDP per capita of VND60.26 million, up 10.7%; total social investment fund of VND18,600 billion, up 7.3%; total import and export value of 1.058 billion, up 9.18%; and 2,950 taxpaying enterprises, up 7%.

To successfully achieve the above goals, in addition to drastically implementing tasks and solutions announced at the beginning of 2022, the Provincial Party Committee issued Resolution 04-NQ/TU dated November 26, 2021 on Hau Giang industrial, agricultural, urban and tourism development in 2021 - 2025 and beyond and Hau Giang Development Strategy in 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050. The Provincial People's Committee issued Action Plan 213/KH-UBND on December 22, 2021 to execute Resolution 04-NQ/TU, defining industry, agriculture, urbanization and tourism as four strategic breakthroughs, increasing budget revenue and improving people's material and spiritual life. At the same time, investment attraction is defined as one of key solutions to draw more private and foreign investment capital and create a driving force for sustainable socioeconomic development of Hau Giang province in 2021 - 2025 and following years.

With the aspiration for development, Hau Giang continues to make unremitting efforts to well implement the goals set out in 2022 and create momentum for breakthrough growth.

The Investment Promotion Conference 2022 is an opportunity for Hau Giang to further unlock its potential strengths and introduce local incentive policies to woo investors. So, what are the local potential, comparative advantages and outstanding incentives of Hau Giang province now?

Carrying out Resolution 04-NQ/TU dated November 26, 2021 of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Committee issued Action Plan 41/KH-UBND dated March 14, 2022 to organize the Hau Giang Investment Promotion Conference in 2022 on June 16-17, 2022 which is included with many exhibitions, seminars and especially a digital transformation week for regional economic development.

The conference is an opportunity to popularize potential, advantages and outstanding incentives of Hau Giang province as below:

Locationally, Hau Giang province lies in the center of the Mekong Delta and serves as a gateway to southern provinces of Hau River (Kien Giang, Ca Mau, Bac Lieu and Soc Trang) with the rest of the Mekong Delta and other economic regions of the country. A logistics center will be at an advantage of transportation costs and an easy access for commodity suppliers. The central location will also help ensure a reasonable distance to material areas, thus minimizing risks of post-harvest transportation and storage and strengthening land, water and air traffic connectivity to develop multimodal transport. Hau Giang is also located next to Can Tho City, a regional economic, social and cultural center, which can provide ancillary services of finance and social infrastructure such as healthcare, education and residence for the logistics industry.

Regarding traffic connectivity, Hau Giang is on the intersection of Can Tho - Ca Mau Expressway; Chau Doc (An Giang) - Can Tho - Soc Trang Expressway and Ha Tien (Kien Giang) - Rach Gia (Kien Giang) - Bac Lieu Expressway, forming a smooth connection to Can Tho International Airport, Can Tho Seaport and Tran De Seaport (in the phase to 2030). The favorable traffic connectivity will open up many opportunities, especially for industrial, urban and logistics development. Six passing national highways plus the National Highway 61C which is being upgraded and expanded (Can Tho - Hau Giang section) will facilitate rapid transportation of goods. The provincial road system has been invested for expansion to support heavy-tonnage vehicles and remove upsetting traffic bottlenecks for Hau Giang development.

Regarding high-quality human resources, Hau Giang has a strongly developed system of vocational education institutions. The province currently has 18 vocational education institutions, including three colleges, seven district-level vocational education and continuing education centers, three private vocational education centers, and five other schools. All eight districts have vocational education facilities. In addition, Hau Giang has cooperated with major universities of the country and the Mekong Delta to train high-quality human resources, including Vietnam National University of Hanoi, Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Can Tho University, FPT University, Quang Trung Software Park and Vo Truong Toan University.

Hau Giang province enjoys the highest investment incentives for seven out of eight areas classified to have extremely difficult socioeconomic conditions. Enterprises are entitled to preferential corporate income tax, land rent exemption or reduction, and import tax exemption among others. The introduction of many investment support policies has demonstrated the province's companionship with businesses.

Besides, the province has many other potential advantages and specific preferential policies to attract investors.

The Investment Promotion Conference in 2022 is also an opportunity to spread the action motto "Businesses come, Hau Giang is happy" and action slogans "two quick actions" (quick site clearance and fast procedures) and "three good factors" (good opportunity, good policy and good infrastructure). Do you have any messages to local businesses and investors coming to Hau Giang?

The message the provincial leaders want to send to the business community and investors coming to Hau Giang is "Businesses come, Hau Giang is happy". This shows the new aspiration, the active attitude, the strong commitment and support of the government for businesses in Hau Giang. At present, the province has all favorable conditions for this and this is the best time for Hau Giang to take a long leap.

With this message, the provincial leaders expressed a strong investment invitation to the business community and investors with the commitment to "two quick actions" (quick site clearance and fast procedures) and "three good factors" (good opportunity, good policy and good infrastructure). The province will develop "e-government" and "enabling government" that serve people and businesses. It will conduct strong administrative reform, create the most open, favorable and best business investment environment for enterprises and investors. It will reduce the time required to settle investment-related administrative procedures by 50%.

Thank you very much!

Source: Vietnam Business Forum