Kien Giang Employment Service Center: Facilitating Employment and Addressing Worker Policies

11:00:32 AM | 27/11/2023

In alignment with the imperative to address local employment needs and effectively execute the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction for the 2021-2025 period, the Kien Giang Employment Service Center has progressively undertaken a spectrum of activities. These include career counseling, job introduction days, and job exchange events, fortifying its intermediary roles among employers, vocational schools, and workers, thereby safeguarding the interests of workers.

Career counseling and job introduction day for workers in Kien Luong district held on October 22, 2023 attracted significant participation from companies and workers

On October 22, 2023, the center collaborated with the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs of Kien Luong district to orchestrate a job consultation and introduction day for local workers. This event drew the participation of four companies, including a local firm and three manpower exporters, engaging over 400 workers. Attendees had the opportunity to explore and understand the recruitment needs of companies in Kien Giang and neighboring provinces, particularly in sectors such as textile and garment, footwear, restaurant, hotel, and overseas contractual work. The center, along with other organizations and companies, also disseminated information on vocational training and unemployment insurance policies. Simultaneously, it offered advice and introduced job positions, facilitating worker awareness and registration for potential employment.

In October 2023, the center conducted a job bazaar targeting unemployed workers and job seekers in Phu Quoc City. The event garnered the participation of a vocational school and five manpower exporters, attracting over 350 jobseekers.

These initiatives serve as not only a platform for workers to receive direct guidance from employers but also an avenue to comprehend the advantages of vocational training support and job creation for unemployed and seasonal workers. Additionally, participants gain insights into labor market information and future job trends.

Mr. Nguyen Phi Hung, Director of the Kien Giang Employment Service Center, emphasized the regular organization of job sessions and fairs throughout the year across all districts and cities. In 2023 alone, as of November 15, the center had orchestrated 38 events involving 150 companies, 38 vocational schools, and 17,449 workers.

"Job sessions and fairs significantly aid companies in recruiting suitable workers and provide workers with guidance on employment, careers, and policies affecting their rights and interests. These activities are notably directed and coordinated by the Provincial Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs, as well as Party committees and local governments," he highlighted.

To address unemployment insurance benefits, the center has streamlined procedures, increased personnel dedicated to this task, and facilitated applications through the National Public Service Portal. Communication efforts on unemployment insurance policies and procedural instructions for workers have been intensified through social networks and websites. As of November 15, 2023, the center received 14,275 unemployment insurance claims, settling claims for 14,071 workers. It provided consultation to 56,090 workers and facilitated new job placements for 2,333 workers.

Looking forward, the Kien Giang Employment Service Center plans to collaborate with local authorities to organize more job sessions, career counseling, and job introduction days. Through these endeavors, the center aims to reinforce its role as a robust support system for workers, foster job creation, ensure social security, enhance the quality of human resources, and meet the recruitment needs of local companies.

By Ngọc Tung, Vietnam Business Forum