Information and Communications Sector Leading Digital Transformation

10:01:41 AM | 3/5/2024

Contributing to the province’s overall socioeconomic development, the information and communications sector has critically made ongoing efforts, innovations and creativity to constantly improve administrative quality and performance in its assigned fields to gradually prove its leading role in digital transformation in the province.

The province’s Smart Operation Center is designed to enhance its administrative efficiency

Synchronous development

Outstanding achievements in the 2020 - 2025 midterm are a typical testament to the effort of the sector. In postal services, the sector has effectively advised and promulgated support mechanisms and policies to bring agricultural production households to e-commerce platforms and expand digital economic development in agriculture and the countryside in 2022 - 2025. The sector has successfully carried out Plan 1164/KH-UBND on the launch of the digital address platform associated with digital maps and Plan 936/KH-UBND on implementation of the Kon Tum Postal Development Strategy to 2025 and further to 2030. To date, the province has 116,656 agricultural households with products on e-commerce platforms and 143,472 households trained in digital skills. As many as 2,651 products have been launched onto e-commerce platforms and 15,383 e-commerce transactions have been concluded.

Regarding telecommunications and internet, the sector has successfully carried out the public telecommunications services delivery program to 2025 (according to Circular 14/2022/TT-BTTTT); strongly upgraded telecommunications cable network infrastructure; and proposed additional universalization of telecommunications services by 2025. It has focused on directing postal and telecommunications firms to ensure safety and security in service provision.

“Especially in digital transformation efforts, the information and communications sector has enacted Resolution 52-NQ/TW; Plan on implementation of the National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, with a vision to 2030; Plan on implementation of the Project on communication, perception and dissemination of information security knowledge in 2021 - 2025,” said Mr. Tran Van Thu, Director of the Department of Information and Communications, Kon Tum province.

Another impressive highlight is the increasingly upgraded telecommunications infrastructure to meet effective connection needs. The project of converting and deploying network systems, IPv6 Internet security and DNSSEC domain name in Kon Tum province was appraised. The specialized data transmission network has connected 100% of Party and governmental agencies at all levels with 204 units. Fiber optic broadband network infrastructure has covered 100% of commune centers and 52.8% of households.

In the health sector, an electronic health record platform has been applied (85.6% of the population with health management record) and 100% of medical stations and clinics have been installed with information technology software for operations management. Kon Tum province has deployed online public services for renewing and re-issuing driver's licenses, transport operations management systems, and bus station management and transport order data transmission software.

The delivery of online public services is practically effective, time-efficient and cost-effective for people and businesses. This has also enhanced openness and transparency, helped prevent bad deeds and corruptive acts in handling administrative procedures. In particular, the sector has sided with local authorities to develop smart urban areas in Kon Tum City and Kon Plong District; gradually built e-government to improve the performance of the state administrative apparatus and the quality of service to people and businesses.

Continuously creating new values

Promoting its achievements, in the coming time, the information and communications sector will further raise awareness and responsibility of all agencies, sectors, businesses and people about the significance, role and importance of digital transformation to life and socioeconomic development. It will lead and direct relevant agencies and localities to uphold their role and improve the capacity and effect of digital transformation, closely linked with administrative reform. It will review, reconsider and supplement civil servant payrolls (in information technology and information security) for units specialized in digital transformation as directed by the Prime Minister. The sector will review, register and allocate resources for implementing digital transformation tasks in 2024 and beyond.

Especially, the sector will apply solutions to raise the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI); reform communication methods on social networking sites and application platforms to increase interaction and facilitate people to receive information; review and provide full information onto electronic information portals of related agencies and localities to ensure compliance with Article 4, Decree 42/2022/ND-CP; improve the effect of Q&A sections for businesses and investors on the Provincial Information Portal and websites of related agencies; remove difficulties and obstacles for businesses and investors; speed up the digitalization of specialized databases, especially those relating to investment, natural resources, environment, industry and trade and transportation; and provide open data for people and businesses.

By Duy Anh,Vietnam Business Forum