Increasing Digital Transformation Solutions in Customs Management

3:26:22 PM | 22/9/2022

Ca Mau Customs Department is striving to complete its goal of carrying out all customs procedures online, anytime, anywhere and by any means.

Enhancing employee quality is also an important solution for Ca Mau Customs Department to achieve digital transformation goals 

This is an important goal of Decision 104/QD-HQCM on Digital Transformation Plan to 2025, with a vision to 2030, launched by Ca Mau Customs Department. Specifically, by 2025, the department will have 100% of customs procedures digitized and performed electronically, 95% of customs documents converted into digital data (5% of remaining files are classified as confidential or error records).

Besides, Ca Mau Customs Department will endeavor to have 100% of basic customs control records converted to electronic, and digital in the future, data; 100% of documents regarding importing and exporting activities; people and means of transport on exit, on entry or in transit; exported, imported and transited goods digitally managed.

At the same time, 100% of highly demanded administrative procedures, categorized Level 4, are provided online on various means of access. Only public services are available and accessible around the clock; 80% of customs inspections are performed in the digital environment and information technology system of the General Department of Vietnam Customs.

By 2025, Ca Mau Customs strives that 50% of transported goods are subject to customs supervision. High-risk containers are monitored by electronic positioning seals and images connected to centralized customs processing centers. All administrative procedures relating to licensing and specialized inspection of export, import and transit goods are carried out through the National Single Window.

That will be a "momentum" for Ca Mau Customs to strive to complete its smart customs model and convert all customs documents into electronic and digital data by 2030.

All high-risk goods transported by containers are subject to customs supervision, monitored by modern technical means, and data is connected to a centralized processing center of the customs agency. All prioritized companies voluntarily comply with the law; export processors and export outsourcers are connected to share management data with customs authorities.

In addition, all exporters and exporters owing tax are automatically monitored and updated on the electronic customs system. All basic customs control records are digitized.

Business satisfaction with customs administrative procedures reaches 95% or more in the following key contents: Access to customs administrative procedures, implementation of customs administrative procedures and service of customs officials.

To successfully accomplish the above objectives, Ca Mau Customs also defined specific tasks and solutions to be implemented in this period. Accordingly, the agency will implement synchronous and comprehensive digital transformation in customs operations, including digitizing customs data and business processes and providing online public services to serve people and enterprises.

The customs authority will support accelerating digital transformation of businesses and stakeholders; speeding up digital transformation on the National Single Window (NSW) and the ASEAN Single Window (ASW); and enabling digital transformation in internal customs management; improve the quality of digital infrastructure, develop digital platforms and ensure information security; complete legal environment, processes and procedures to meet digital transformation requirements of the customs sector.

On the other hand, Ca Mau Customs will focus on developing human resources and building a cultural environment to meet digital transformation requirements; completing organizational structure to meet digital transformation requirements; informing and raising digital awareness, skills and interaction with people and businesses; and ensuring resources and funding for digital transformation.

Huong Giang (Vietnam Business Forum)