Improving the Value and Competitiveness of Agricultural Products

1:46:46 PM | 8/5/2020

By attracting resources and economic components to invest in clean agricultural production and hi-tech applications; building specific agricultural product brands with strengths to reach domestic and foreign markets, Quang Tri province has been concretizing the aspiration to build a sustainable agriculture.

Effectiveness from the model "6 plants, 2 domestic animals"

Resolution 03/2017 / NQ-HDND dated May 23rd, 2017, of the People's Council of Quang Tri province determined that the provincial agricultural sector would develop the focus and concentrate on driving force of "6 plants and 2 domestic animals" to create products with high competitive value. After 3 years of implementation, the Resolution has really come to life, thereby mobilizing all resources to implement the Project of restructuring the agricultural sector towards increasing added value and sustainable development.

Specifically, rice plants are focused on changing the seed structure towards high quality; expanding the area of ​​large sample fields with a scale of 6,000 - 8,000 hectares / year; applying smart agricultural production processes to adapt to climate change on a large scale; giving priority to developing in the organic direction, successfully building the brand of Quang Tri organic rice.

It is essential to synchronously apply science and technology in coffee rejuvenation, building sustainable ecological coffee farming models, establishing groups of households producing coffee according to standards, meeting the demand for high quality raw material source of processing plants.

It is important to continue to study synchronized application of pepper production process, applying economical irrigation technology in order to adapt to climate change in Vinh Linh, Gio Linh and Cam Lo districts; certifying food safety production areas; and applying biotechnology and organic fertilizer to build a brand for pepper products of the province.

Fruit trees and medicinal plants are developed towards improving quality associated with processing and consumption. For rubber, it is necessary to maintain the existing area, encouraging enterprises to improve, and strengthening capacity and quality of latex processing.

Beef cattle herds need to develop through artificial insemination in association with grass planting and creation of crossbreed sows to introduce quality beef cattle breeds. In shrimp farming, it needs to focus on post-investment support for pond infrastructure in 4 coastal districts associated with transferring technical advances in 2-stage shrimp farming and biofloc technology.

Expectation of high-tech agriculture

According to Mr. Ho Xuan Hoe, Director of Quang Tri Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), the province has issued Resolution 02/2019 / NQ-HDND on encouraging the development of high-tech agriculture (ARCN), organic agriculture and encouraging linking the production and sale of products in the province. Accordingly, the province will step up attracting investors, link production along the value chain; and create stable output for production and export-oriented direction.

Quang Tri also encourages the establishment of cooperatives and cooperative groups and regularly supports and enhances governance capacity for these organizations; thereby forming the nucleus to promote connection between businesses and farmers. In addition, the province is currently supporting and connecting large corporations to survey and invest in high-tech agriculture in the area such as: FLC Group and Nedspice Group - Netherlands.

Until now, Quang Tri has built many effective agricultural models such as linking production and consumption of organic rice and naturally cultivated rice with a total area of ​​nearly 1,000 hectares; there are 21 greenhouses and net houses growing hydroponic vegetables, flowers and fruits with a scale of over 21,000 m2 (notably the Japanese model of melon planting technology supported by Sumitomo Corporation, which links product underwriting with Intimex supermarket - Hanoi); nearly 120 hectares of pepper applied economical irrigation technology, produced according to organic processes, of which 104 hectares are associated with Organic-More Company; nearly 25 hectares of medicinal plants applied the economical irrigation system, produced according to organic processes, VietGAP and biosafety, and cooperated with domestic pharmaceutical enterprises.

The aquaculture sector has built many models of shrimp farming applying environmental protection monitoring technologies and improving productivity and quality. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has advised the Provincial People's Committee to call for and attract large shrimp businesses, with major consumption markets such as Camimex (Ca Mau) and Dac Loc (Phu Yen). In 2019, for the first time, Quang Tri shrimp industry's value is over VND 900 billion dong.

Thanks to the application of science and technology, expanding links, focusing on clean and environmentally friendly production, the quality and value of Quang Tri's agricultural products have been increasingly improved. Some brands of the province, such as: organic pepper, Khe Sanh coffee, organic rice, passion fruit, and solanum procumbens, have been well received by consumers in both domestic and foreign markets.

Source: Vietnam Business Forum