Establishing Lang Son as Growth Pole, Economic Hub in Northern Midland and Mountainous Region

2:59:33 PM | 15/4/2024

In line with the Provincial Planning recently ratified for the 2021-2030 period, and looking ahead to 2050, Lang Son is poised to emerge as a growth pole and economic hub in the northern midland and mountainous region. To realize this objective, the province is committed to instituting and refining administrative frameworks, streamlining bureaucratic processes, and fostering an enabling and transparent business and investment environment. Vietnam Business Forum conducted an interview with Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of Lang Son Provincial People’s Committee, on this matter.

At the groundbreaking ceremony of the Dong Dang (Lang Son province)-Tra Linh (Cao Bang province) expressway project, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and the other delegates explore cutting-edge construction technologies deployed on this expressway

In 2023, Lang Son achieved important, inclusive economic growth and resultatively built a favorable position, strength and confidence to enter a new breakthrough period. Could you please tell us more about achievements in 2023 and goals in 2024?

Under the close and timely leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, the close supervision, companionship and coordination of the Provincial People's Council and political agencies, as well as the effort of the people and the business community, the Provincial People's Committee focused on consistent and comprehensive direction in all fields with many flexible and creative solutions for actual situations. Bright spots in the socioeconomic picture in 2023 were relatively comprehensive economic development and GRDP growth of 7.0%, driven by the agricultural and forestry growth of 6.55%, the industrial and construction growth of 8.18%, the service growth of 6.77% and the tax growth of 5.39%. GRDP per capita was VND59.8 million.

The province’s state budget revenue reached VND7,806.6 billion, achieving over 95% of the estimate set by the Central and provincial governments, marking a 7% increase compared to the same period in 2022. The implementation of investment capital for social development yielded results exceeding VND22 trillion, an 8.53% increase year-on-year. The border gate economy has been a focal point for rapid development, serving as a catalyst for the province’s economic growth. Import-export activities have seen a strong recovery and increase since the start of 2023, with customs clearance activities restored at 7 out of 12 border gates. The total turnover of all types of import and export goods through the province reached US$52.03 billion, an 85.12% increase over the same period. Local goods exports are estimated at US$156 million, achieving 101.3% of the plan, a 9.9% increase. Investment and upgrading have been concentrated on the socio-economic infrastructure system, with a focus on transport infrastructure, urban areas, industrial zones, and clusters. Many key projects with inter-regional connectivity are actively being implemented. A total of 762 new enterprises were established, a 56% increase over the same period, with a total registered capital of VND 7,171 billion, a 34% increase. This marks the highest number of newly established enterprises in a single year. Investment certificates/investment policies for 59 projects were completed, with a total registered capital exceeding VND12,614.5 billion. Furthermore, the digital transformation work has achieved remarkable results. Lang Son is the first province in the country to successfully deploy the “Digital Border Gate Platform”. The province has established a comprehensive digital transformation model with five pillars: Digital transformation in Party agencies; building a digital government; developing a digital economy; forming a digital society; and adapting the use of digital border gates. The province has accomplished 21 out of 30 targets set for 2025 in Resolution 49-NQ/TU. In addition, social security work has been carried out in a practical, timely, and effective manner, leading to continuous improvements in people’s lives. The rate of poor and near-poor households in the province has gradually decreased over the years, reflecting the continuous improvement in people’s living standards.

In 2024, to promote its optimistic outcomes, Lang Son province will continue to determine the theme and action motto of “Tightening discipline, enhancing responsibility, acting decisively and creatively, making breakthroughs.” To carry out measures to remove difficulties and restore rapid and sustainable economic development, the province will concentrate on economic development coupled with digital transformation, with emphasis on agricultural restructuring associated with new rural development; and boost the development of border economy, trade, tourism and services. The province will pay attention to investing in synchronous socioeconomic infrastructure systems, especially transport infrastructure, urban areas, industrial zones. Lang Son province will strive for comprehensive and synchronous development of culture, society, education and health on par with economic development; focus on ensuring social security, sustainable poverty reduction and improving the material and spiritual life of the people; strictly manage and effectively use resources and land, protect the environment, and actively respond to climate change; focus on administrative reform, create a favorable business and investment environment, and attract investment fund; and prevent and fight against corruption, wrongdoing and waste; and reinforce national defense, security, diplomacy and national border sovereignty.

With new confidence, new momentum and new motivation, in 2024, the Party, the political system and the people of Lang Son will confidently strive to successfully achieve all political tasks as per the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress to develop Lang Son more rapidly and sustainably to be greener, more harmonious, more distinctive and happier.

According to the PCI report in 2022, Lang Son province ranked 15th out of 63 provinces and cities, and 3rd out of 14 northern mountainous provinces. What is your perspective on this result? To keep the ranking and aim for higher goals, what specific solutions will Lang Son carry out?

According to the PCI 2022 survey conducted by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Lang Son province scored 67.88 points to rank 15th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide and 3rd out of 14 northern mountainous provinces, gaining 3.96 more points and climbing 21 places over 2021. Lang Son stood amongst the 30 best performing provinces and cities. When VCCI first announced the Provincial Green Index (PGI) to foster green development and green investment, Lang Son was among Top 3 provinces and cities in 2022 in Vietnam. With a total PGI score of 17.31 points, Lang Son ranked 2nd out of 63 provinces and cities.

Of 10 PCI component indices in 2022, Lang Son had six advancing indices compared to 2021: Market entry cost, transparency and access to information, fair competition, informal charge, labor training, and legal institutions. Nevertheless, four sub-indices fell: Land access and security of tenure, time costs and regulatory compliance, proactivity of provincial leadership, and business support services. This showed that the province’s reforms and efforts had not been fully accessed and digested by businesses and that there were still barriers and inadequacies in management, administration and public service performance to create a friendly environment and boost business development.

The 15th position on the PCI was a worthy performance, demonstrating the effort and determination of Lang Son province. Indeed, the province continued to set higher goals as follows:

Further upgrading the province’s annual PCI and PGI indices, overcoming limitations and weaknesses, proposing solutions to enhance its favorable and transparent investment and business environment and ensure equality among economic sectors, staying in the group of best performers in the country.

Encouraging relevant agencies to persistently innovate in their thinking and awareness. Enhancing the accountability of leaders and teams of officials and civil servants in directing, advising, and implementing improvements to the business investment environment. Ensuring timely resolution of written petitions and proposals from businesses, with specific deadlines. Publicizing the petitions and the process of resolving them on the Electronic Information Portal of the provinces, as well as on the electronic information pages of departments, branches, and localities.

Striving to enhance the competency of officials and civil servants in executing public duties, particularly at the Provincial Public Administration Service Center and the Department of Receiving and Returning Results of districts, cities, departments, and sectors. Regularly interacting with businesses and investors. Foster the development of e-government in conjunction with innovating the operational method of the administrative system, in line with the process of applying information technology in state management activities. Continuing to review administrative procedures to simplify and expedite their implementation.

Innovating and elevating the quality of dialogue between the provincial government and businesses. Reducing the response time to information and document requests from businesses, thereby contributing to greater transparency in the province’s business environment. Enhancing the operational efficiency of the Inspection Working Group and expediting the implementation of tasks, conclusions, and directions of the Provincial People’s Committee.

Accelerating digital transformation and digital economic development to improve competitiveness and help local businesses develop sustainably; directing enterprises to adopt environmentally friendly practices, improving green development policies.

Post the 2023 PCI rankings, we must refine strategic plans with immediate solutions to enhance the index. Our focus should be on improving low-score indicators while maintaining and enhancing the remaining indicators.

The Bac Giang-Lang Son expressway project has drastically reduced travel time from Hanoi to Lang Son, now taking only 2 hours by car

The Lang Son Provincial Planning for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2050, opens new aspirations and growth drivers for the province. Could you tell us about these aspirations and motivations and how this planning will be executed in a consistent, practical and effective manner, especially achieving four development breakthroughs in the coming time?

The Prime Minister approved the Lang Son Provincial Planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. This approval was formalized in Decision 236/QD-TTg, dated March 19, 2024. According to the decision, the planning covers the entire natural area of Lang Son province with more than 831,000 hectares and 11 administrative units, including Lang Son City and 10 districts.

The overall goal of the planning is to build Lang Son into an economically developed border province with stable society, national defense, security and good ecological environment, one of growth drivers, the economic center of the northern midland and mountainous region, an increasingly important “bridge” in economic and trade connections between Vietnam with ASEAN, China and Europe.

By 2030, Lang Son province strives to have an economic scale and GRDP per capita in Top 5 provinces in the northern midland and mountainous region. The province’s economic structure has shifted strongly to make industry, service and tourism key growth drivers while the agricultural sector will increase commercial product value and apply advanced technologies.

Economically, the gross regional domestic product (GRDP) will grow 8-9% annually in 2021-2030. Structurally, by 2030, the agriculture, forestry and fisheries will account for 12-13%; the industry - construction sector, 32-33%; the service sector, 50-51%; and tax revenue, 4-5%. The GRDP per capita will reach VND150 million in 2030.

Regarding development breakthroughs, Lang Son defined four development breakthroughs: (i) Digital transformation, strong improvement of the investment, production and business environment, and facilitation of investment attraction and economic development; (ii) Socioeconomic infrastructure development, with focus on transport infrastructure, urban areas, industrial zones; accelerated urbanization in the province; (iii) Development of border economy, trade, services and tourism to speed up economic growth; (iv) Industrial development  with improved quality, competitiveness, greenness, safety and modernity to become an important driving force to promote local economic development.

The province has focused on prioritizing the development of six service industries: (i) Trade and border economic services; (ii) Tourism; (iii) Transportation and warehousing services; (iv) Banking and financial services; (v) Educational and medical services; and (vi) Other services such as telecommunications, science and technology support services.

After the Provincial Planning for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2050, was approved, Lang Son province defined key tasks for the upcoming time: Reforming and perfecting institutions, strongly improving and streamlining administrative procedures by facilitating businesses and people, creating a modern and transparent business environment; enhancing the effectiveness of leadership and administration; gradually investing in synchronous and modern infrastructure upgrading and development, with focus on transport, industrial, commercial, telecom, information technology, natural disaster prevention infrastructure. The province has enhanced the quality of human resources by developing education and vocational training for workers and attracting talents.

Over the past years, Lang Son province has made efforts to improve the business environment. What are the province's commitments to promoting production and business in the coming time?

Lang Son has focused on reforming administrative procedures and improving the business investment environment with many drastic solutions. With the effort of the entire political system, the province's business investment environment has been much improved to become an attractive destination for many investors. Currently, many investors have come to explore investment opportunities in Lang Son, including giant firms from Germany, South Korea, Japan and China. Many large domestic corporations have come to invest in Lang Son such as Vingroup, Sun Group, Sovico, APEC and VSIP and many firms are looking to invest here like Viglacera, T&T and TH True Milk.

Promoting its achieved results, Lang Son province has been directing some key solutions and tasks:

First, innovating governmental direction and administration at all levels. Implementing synchronized solutions to enhance investment climate and competitiveness. Effectively enacting the Provincial Party Standing Committee’s Resolution on investment projects in Lang province from 2023 to 2030.

Second, it is of utmost importance to continue our support and partnership with businesses, cooperatives, and business households within the province. We regard the removal of difficulties and barriers as our primary political task. This approach will enable businesses, cooperatives, and business households to proactively adapt to new circumstances, stabilize their production and business activities, and recover swiftly. Furthermore, we encourage them to innovate, undergo digital transformation, develop sustainably, enhance competitiveness, and integrate into the value chain.

Third, focusing resources on building synchronous infrastructure, first of all transportation infrastructure, including Hanoi - Lang Son Expressway, National Highway 4B linked to Lang Son - Quang Ninh, Dong Dang - Tra Linh Expressway, proposed Lang Son - Hanoi high-speed railway, investing synchronous technical infrastructure in border gate economic zones, attracting strategic investors. Prioritizing land clearance and expediting the progression of construction projects, with particular emphasis on key investment initiatives. These include transportation, the VSIP Lang Son, industrial clusters, commercial infrastructure, and information infrastructure.

Fourth, it is essential to advocate for administrative reform, with a primary focus on administrative procedures. This should be coupled with the promotion of an overall and comprehensive digital transformation. We must extend our support for digital transformation within enterprises, which should be closely associated with administrative procedure reform. Our primary service subjects in this endeavor are the people and businesses.

Fifth, proposing to the Provincial People’s Council to enact policies that support small and medium-sized enterprises within the province. Continuing the development and promulgation of plans in specialized fields, in accordance with the legal provisions on planning. These plans will serve as a foundation for businesses to construct long-term, sustainable investment, production, and business strategies.

With the direction, determination and consensus of the Party, the government and people of all ethnic groups, in the near future, I believe that Lang Son province will become a growth pole and an important nucleus of economic development in the northern midland and mountainous region.

Thank you very much!

By Duy Binh, Vietnam Business Forum