Enhancing Administrative Reform to Boost Investment Attraction

10:38:21 AM | 20/9/2023

As a key driver of socio-economic development and investment attraction, administrative procedure reform has been prioritized by Kon Tum province, which has implemented comprehensive solutions to enhance the quality of management and administration, expedite administrative procedures, and satisfy the needs of the local people.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Nguyen Trong Thua, Deputy Head of the Government’s Administrative Reform Steering Committee, addresses the meeting with the People’s Committee of Kon Tum Province

Through its continuous efforts, Kon Tum province has achieved remarkable results in various aspects of administrative reform, such as institutional reform; administrative procedure reform; organizational reform; civil service and civil servant regime reform; and e-government and digital government development. Specifically, in terms of institutional reform, the institutional system has been constantly developed, improved, and innovated. Legal documents have been issued in compliance with the Constitution and laws and with high feasibility. Administrative procedure reform has been emphasized and the quality of administrative procedure resolution has been improved. Administrative procedures in agencies and units approved by the Provincial People’s Committee have been regularly reviewed and streamlined. The organizational structure of the apparatus has been adjusted and arranged in a lean and appropriate manner. The one-stop mechanism has been consolidated and perfected at all levels, demonstrating its practical effectiveness. The quality of the cadres and civil servants has gradually improved towards standardization, and the management of the cadres and civil servants has gradually become orderly.

Regarding public finance reform, Kon Tum province has contracted administrative and non-business payrolls for 624/811 agencies and units, including 147/244 administrative units and 477/567 non-business units. Regarding administrative modernization, up to now, agencies and units in the province have been connected to the provincial WAN network. The database is managed and linked through the data integration center. The portal system is operated and maintained.

Since the beginning of 2022, Kon Tum has been one of the leading provinces in implementing the project to innovate the one-stop-shop mechanism according to Decision 468/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister, which assigns public postal service to handle the reception and delivery of administrative procedure documents at the Provincial Public Administration Service Center on behalf of civil servants and employees of departments and branches, contributing to improving the satisfaction index of people and businesses. In addition, to reduce time and travel costs for people and organizations, the Provincial People’s Committee has approved a pilot plan to receive documents and return results of administrative procedures regardless of administrative boundaries; thereby providing an additional option for people and organizations to submit administrative procedure documents at the place where they live and work. In the first 6 months of 2023, Kon Tum has implemented a plan to receive documents and return results regardless of administrative boundaries in the province for 23 administrative procedures (19 procedures at the provincial level; 04 procedures at the district level).

Currently, Kon Tum Provincial Public Service Portal has integrated the online payment platform into the National Public Service Portal, so 100% of administrative procedures with fees and charges can receive online payments using the profile code and bank account or e-wallet account. The Provincial People’s Committee Office has also coordinated with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Provincial Tax Department to implement online payment of financial obligations in the land sector to reduce travel time for individuals and households to complete procedures related to paying land taxes. Using online payment has reduced at least three traveling times for individuals and households when completing land procedures. Digitizing procedures helps people and businesses save time and costs when carrying out administrative procedures, improving people’s satisfaction with the services of state administrative agencies. With the active participation of the entire political system, administrative reform, improving the business investment environment and enhancing competitiveness in Kon Tum province have witnessed positive changes Many indexes in 2022 had improved in comparison to 2021. For example, the 2022 PCI index increased by 24 places compared to 2021, ranking 37/63 provinces and cities; Similarly, the Satisfaction Index with Administrative Services (SIPAS) increased by 2 places, ranking 42/63 provinces and cities; PAPI index ranked 54/63 provinces and cities. The PAR INDEX in 2022 improved by 4 levels compared to 2021. Many component indexes have improved significantly compared to 2021, such as the organizational reform component index increased by 27 places; The institutional reform component index increased by 17 places; The component index for building and developing e-government and digital government increased by 31 places.

Citizens engage in administrative procedures at the Provincial Public Administration Service Center

The province of Kon Tum has achieved initial results in administrative reform and enhancing the business investment environment, reflecting its spirit of “innovation, creativity, companionship” and its continuous efforts in processing documents and administrative procedures for people, businesses and investors. These results have improved the satisfaction index of the service of administrative agencies, increased the effectiveness of attracting investment and developed the socio-economic situation in the province.

To build on these results, Kon Tum will continue to urge agencies, units and localities to implement administrative reform tasks and solutions in a synchronous manner, focusing on reforming administrative procedures; reviewing and recommending the reduction and simplification of regulations related to investment and business activities, especially procedures for investment, land, construction, environment, and licensing for professions that are no longer suitable.

The province will also continue to implement the tasks of developing e-Government and digital government effectively. Kon Tum will carry out the tasks and solutions in the National Digital Transformation Program, the e-Government development strategy towards a Digital Government, the Strategy for developing the digital economy and digital society and the task of modernizing operating direction and promoting digital transformation according to Resolution 131/NQ-CP of the Government and Decision 749/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister.

The province will strengthen its leadership and direction for the implementation of Project 06 with high political determination at all levels in 2023 and beyond. Kon Tum will also enhance the efficiency of online public services to provide the most favorable conditions for people and businesses to participate, and continue to digitize the outcomes of resolving administrative procedures to create convenience for people and businesses, ensuring that they do not have to provide information multiple times when implementing administrative procedures, and following the roadmap according to Resolution 50/NQ-CP of the Government.

Kon Tum will regularly update and publicize administrative procedures so that people and organizations can access new regulations and procedures promptly. It will also implement the innovation of the one-stop and interconnected one-stop mechanism in resolving administrative procedures effectively; promote digital transformation, modernize administration, and apply information technology in management, administration, and processing work of agencies. Moreover, it will implement business support policies in a synchronous and effective manner to foster development and improve competitiveness for businesses in the province. The province will also increase meetings and dialogues with businesses in various forms and levels to promptly receive, consider and resolve difficulties and obstacles for businesses in the investment, production and business process, thereby building trust in the business community.

By Cong Luan, Vietnam Business Forum