Efforts for Hoa Binh’s Rapid and Sustainable Development

9:51:39 AM | 16/1/2023

To realize the resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress (2020-2025 term, Hoa Binh has put forth four strategic breakthroughs. The province has been making great efforts to implement solutions to successfully achieve rapid and sustainable development so as to have an average economic development by 2025, to be a developed economy of the Northern Midlands and Mountains region by 2030 and a developed province of the whole country by 2050. Vietnam Business Forum has an interview with Mr. Bui Van Khanh, Chairman of Hoa Binh Provincial People's Committee, about these efforts.

Provincial leaders honor local governments/agencies for their efforts for the high competitiveness index in 2022

What do you think about socioeconomic development outcomes in the difficult context of 2022? Could you please tell us about opportunities, advantages and solutions to deal with these difficulties and challenges?

In 2022, global and domestic uncertainties, especially the conflict in Ukraine, soaring prices of crude oil and essential commodities and supply chain disruptions largely affected many industries, fields and people's livelihoods. Carrying out Resolution 01/NQ-CP dated January 8, 2022 of the Government, the Provincial People's Committee issued a directive on key tasks and solutions to direct and administer the implementation of the socioeconomic development plan and state budget plan of Hoa Binh province in 2022; performed firm, consistent, prompt, flexible, effective and focused implementation of tasks and solutions to certain fields; responded and handled emerging problems in a timely manner; and concentrated on preventing and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic while fostering economic recovery and development.

As a result, the province achieved positive and comprehensive socioeconomic development in all aspects, with 18 out of 19 targets meeting or exceeding their given targets. The province greatly improved social security and social welfare; enhanced culture, education, training, health, science and technology, labor and employment. The province also managed to stabilize and maintain national defense, political security and social order.

Specifically, the province was estimated to achieve the gross regional domestic product (GRDP) growth of 9.03%; GRDP per capita of VND66.7 million; total social investment fund of VND18,720 billion; total state budget revenue of VND6,410 billion; export value of US$1,437 million; and import value of US$1,097 million. Hoa Binh also licensed 75 domestic investment projects with VND35,000 billion. By the end of 2022, the province had a total of 729 projects in operation, including 37 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects with US$608 million and 692 domestic direct investment (DDI) projects with VND183 trillion. Hoa Binh also witnessed 465 new companies with a total combined registered capital of VND10,000 billion.

Determined to reform and make breakthroughs in economic development, the Provincial People's Committee aggressively implemented tasks and solutions pertaining to improving the business environment and enhancing competitiveness. It placed a focus on speeding up administrative reform, raising the performance of administrative apparatus, building a business-friendly government, and enlisting investment-related mechanisms and policies.

In 2021-2025, the province will strive to achieve GRDP growth of 9% or more, VND80 billion of DDI funds and US$1 billion of FDI funds. By 2025, the land area of industrial zones will account for about 1% of the province's natural area.

Looking back on the nearly half-term implementation of the resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, what do you think about the performance of four key breakthroughs in the 2020-2025 period, especially those about improving the business environment, expanding infrastructure investment and enhancing human resource quality?

The province is making efforts to execute solutions to successfully achieve rapid and sustainable development. By 2025, its economy is expected to reach the national average. To date, the four strategic breakthroughs have produced encouraging results and made important contributions to the implementation of the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress.

The province puts a premium on infrastructure, especially transport infrastructure, developed by both central and local budgets, aimed to clear bottlenecks and complete key strategic projects including Provincial Road 435 from Hoa Binh City to Suoi Hoa commune (Tan Lac district), a road linking National Highway 6 with Chi Lang Road (Hoa Binh City), Hoa Binh 2 Bridge and Hoa Binh 3 Bridge.

To improve the business environment, the province issued documents on the assignment of responsibility to relevant provincial and local agencies and authorities in upgrading component indicators of the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI); and established a working group to support investors, a working group to direct implementation of non-State funded investment projects and key projects, and a working group to urge disbursement of public investment capital. However, access to land and site clearance are always "bottlenecks". In the coming time, the province will continue to drastically direct site clearance, reduce informal charges, and gradually enhance the business environment.

To improve the quality of human resources, the province reviewed, arranged, built and developed a system of public technical vocational education and training (TVET) facilities to meet market demands for human resources. TVET schools focused on investing in key industries such as automotive technology, electrical engineering, electronics, information technology, restaurant, hotel and food processing. Hoa Binh fostered digital transformation, matched high-quality human resource training with social and corporate needs; reasonably balanced professional qualifications, professions and trainees for each field and each locality; and implemented educational streaming and career counseling.

How has the province focused and carried out the development plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, to create breakthroughs in improving the investment and business environment, raising the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) and accelerating rapid and sustainable economic development?

To improve the business environment, invest in infrastructure and enhance the quality of human resources, the Provincial Master Plan for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2050, is one of the four strategic breakthrough actions to carry out the resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress. The completed planning is an important tool that lays the base for attracting investment capital for infrastructure construction, urban development, and resource allocation. The province requires urgent implementation with ensured quality to meet the new Planning Law, thus strictly managing planning and creating motivations to attract investment resources for sustainable development.

On April 2, 2021, the province decided to establish a steering committee for development planning chaired by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee (the standing body is the Department of Planning and Investment). The steering committee issued Plan 01-KH/BCD dated April 29, 2021, which clearly stated that the provincial planning was divided into five phases. The province basically completed the second phase with the product being the provincial planning report that underlined the contents and objectives: Making the province's economy a leader in the northern mountainous region by 2030.

In addition, the planning was formed by the integrated method (replacing about 50 previous types of sectoral planning). Therefore, agencies, units and localities are required to respect the Law on Planning and planning tasks approved by the Prime Minister, resolutions of the Party Congress at all levels, current local plannings and other relevant regulations. Four strategic breakthrough stages were upheld, especially the planning strategy with the motto "green, greener, and beyond".

Hoa Binh is an attractive destination for many large corporations and investors. How is the provincial government committed to creating a favorable investment environment and supporting businesses?

With the working philosophy of “Accompanying businesses and investors", Hoa Binh province is committed to creating all the most favorable conditions, an open, transparent and equal investment and business environment for businesses to develop consistently and prosperously. The province regularly contacts and meets with investors and businesses to capture information, promptly directs relevant bodies to remove difficulties and obstacles, and readily welcomes businesses when they come to research and explore investment opportunities.

The province has carried out key measures as follows:

- Speeding up administrative reforms, with a focus on administrative procedure reform; enhancing the effect of handling planning, investment and construction procedures; launching the District and Department Competitiveness Index (DDCI) from the perspective of operating and creating a favorable environment for local businesses and operations.

- Focusing on developing the private economy, creating an environment and favorable conditions for business development; simplifying administrative procedures, clarifying regulations on business conditions, market access, land access and construction; implementing mechanisms, policies, processes and procedures to support small and medium enterprises, converting individual business households into enterprises.

- Creating a favorable environment, supporting formation and development of startups, innovations and tech firms.

- Regularly contacting and exchanging with investors and businesses, promptly solving and proposing competent authorities to deal with difficulties and problems, speeding up investment projects, especially key projects.

Thank you very much!

By Ngo San, Vietnam Business Forum