Effort for Market Stabilization and Consumer Protection

3:41:27 PM | 22/9/2022

In the past time, the Department of Market Surveillance of Ca Mau province has improved the apparatus and the human resource quality to accomplish the assigned tasks, helping to stabilize the market and protect the interests of consumers and businesses.

In the first seven months of 2022, Ca Mau Province's Market Surveillance Department inspected 625 cases, and detected 272 cases of administrative violations. ( Photo: Ca Mau Newspaper)

Over the past time, the Provincial Department of Market Surveillance has strengthened the prevention and investigation of abusive, manipulative or illegal trading practices.

Simultaneously, it has propagated the signing of 177 commitments with business establishments for not trading in smuggled goods, counterfeit goods or conducting commercial fraud or illegal business; 303 commitments with business establishments for not producing, trading, transporting, storing, delivering and receiving banned goods including smuggled cigarettes or fake cigarettes; 173 commitments with organizations/enterprises operating in the petroleum sector for not hoarding, speculating or withholding goods.

In addition, the Department of Market Surveillance has also posted phone numbers and hotlines at 240 petrol and oil retail stores so that people can promptly report when detecting violations in trading in petroleum products.

Mr. Huynh Vu Phong, Director of the Department of Market Surveillance of Ca Mau province, said that the economic outlook forecast many complicated developments with surging prices of materials, raw materials and food; and more prudence in trading and transporting contraband, counterfeit goods, and goods violating intellectual property rights. These will be great challenges for the market surveillance force in particular and the other authorities in general in performing their duties.

In the coming time, the Provincial Department of Market Surveillance will continue to closely watch and forecast the market's movements; coordinate with other competent authorities to control and stabilize prices, especially prices of essential commodities to serve people's needs such as gasoline and construction materials; renew its operations; enhance inspection and supervision; effectively prevent and combat corruption in the entire market surveillance force.

To promote administrative reform, the Department of Market Surveillance of Ca Mau province has put into operation its web portal; applied the electronic document management system and the document processing system linked to provincial agencies and departments; and adopted the official email system. In particular, the implementation of the INS administrative violation handling system has fundamentally changed the inspection, control and handling of administrative violations, creating a breakthrough in improving the operational efficiency of the Department.

In addition, it will continue to promote digital transformation and application of information technology, helping people and businesses access new market models, e-commerce and services, and high-quality products with clear origin.

“We will strengthen propaganda and dissemination of legal policies among the people; sign commitments with businesses and consumers not to trade, produce or use banned goods, counterfeit goods, goods infringing upon intellectual property rights, or committing commercial fraud in terms of measurement, quality, price or and food hygiene and safety. These are also our key and cross-cutting tasks in the following years," emphasized Director Huynh Vu Phong.

Thien Thanh (Vietnam Business Forum)