Dak R’Lap district New Spirit, New Motivation

10:15:50 AM | 19/5/2023

The achievements in the first half of the administration term will be a tool for Dak R’Lap district to strengthen its confidence, creating a new spirit and motivation for the Party, authorities and people of the district to successfully realize all goals of the 2020-2025 term and make Dak R’Lap develop more rapidly and more sustainably in the coming time, said Mr. Phan Nhat Thanh, Secretary of Dak R'Lap District Party Committee, in an exclusive interview given to Vietnam Business Forum’s reporter.

Gia Nghia Chon Thanh Expressway

Entering the third year of implementing the resolutions of the 12th Dak Nong Provincial Party Congress and the 9th Dak R'Lap District Party Congress, what outstanding achievements have you made?

During the first half of the 2020-2025 term, we have seriously focused on executing resolutions, directives and conclusions of the Party and the State in a timely manner, with a focus placed on programs, projects and plans to carry out resolutions of the 13th National Party Congress and the 12th Provincial Party Congress.

We have proactively solved socioeconomic issues, ensured national defense and security, and built the political system. Important issues include investing in infrastructure construction, attracting investment capital, encouraging the development of potential and advantageous economic sectors, supporting businesses and taking care of people's lives in order to remove difficulties and facilitate local socioeconomic development quickly and sustainably.

By applying many appropriate and right policies and solutions, despite facing many difficulties and challenges, we have obtained significant achievements in overall social and economic development.

Could you please tell us more about the economic indicators that Dak R’Lap district achieved in the first half of this administration term?

Up to now, the district’s budget revenue has reached VND587 billion, or 111% of the plan assigned by the province. Agricultural production has made great strides in linking and consuming products. Industry, construction, trade and service have continued to develop. Infrastructure construction investment has been concentrated.

In late 2022, the Prime Minister approved the infrastructure investment and operation project for Nhan Co 2 Industrial Park. Other projects continued to be completed, including Tran Hong Quan aluminum smelting plant, Sai Gon brewery in Kien Thanh commune, expanded LBM fresh concrete factory in Nhan Co commune, and Dak Ru quarrying project, to create a premise for stronger industrial development of the district in particular and the province in general in the coming time.

Those achievements have strengthened confidence and aspirations, and created a new spirit and motivation for the Party, authorities and people of Dak R’Lap district to successfully realize all goals of the 2020-2025 term and make Dak R’Lap develop more rapidly and more sustainably in the coming time.

Nhan Co alumina factory in Dak Rlap district

Carrying out resolutions of all Party congresses amid global economic volatility, what solutions have you adopted?

In order to realize resolutions of Party congresses at all levels and especially the Resolution of the 9th District Party Congress, to achieve the goal of becoming a new-style rural district by 2025 and upgrading Dak R’Lap urban area by 2030, in the coming time, we must focus on leading and directing the implementation of some key solutions and tasks as follows:

Drastically, consistently and effectively carrying out programs, projects and plans on implementation of resolutions of the Party congresses at all levels and the 5-year socio-economic development plan in 2021-2025 as well as newly applied resolutions, conclusions, mechanisms and policies to quickly promote their effectiveness; effectively promoting Party and State mechanisms and policies to create a legal corridor, open up resources and generate a driving force for socioeconomic development; based on the Dak Nong Master Plan in 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, approved by the Prime Minister, disseminating its main and core contents to all branches, localities, the business community and the people in order to reach consensus in awareness and consensus on implementation.

Further accelerating economic restructuring in association with changing the growth pattern, focusing on removing obstacles to production and business performance for people and businesses; upgrading the business investment environment, and creating new appeal to foster investment attraction.

Could you reveal the plan to improve the business investment environment?

The district’s goals are to create a favorable, equal, open, transparent and friendly investment and business environment to draw investment capital, develop businesses and enable all economic sectors to develop; effectively mobilize and use resources to develop the district comprehensively and firmly, and strive to become a new-style rural district by 2025.

What specific solutions are needed to achieve these goals?

We have adopted many solutions, but in summary, we need to further strengthen our leadership, direction and administration to improve the investment and business environment; further effectively carry out administrative reform, foster digital transformation, and apply information technology to administration. The people and businesses must be placed at the center and the public and business satisfaction must be used as a measure to assess the performance quality of the administrative apparatus.

We need to further mobilize and effectively use resources to create breakthroughs in key infrastructure, especially synchronous and modern urban infrastructure and transport connectivity infrastructure. Then, we will be able to provide favorable conditions for commodity trade, service, tourism and industry, and connect with economic centers of the province and the region; and effectively apply mechanisms and policies to open up resources and create a driving force for sustainable economic growth and development.

Thank you very much!

(Vietnam Business Forum)