Building Smart City, Meeting Public Satisfaction

8:59:42 AM | 20/5/2022

To better serve people, all for people, Da Nang City has focused on building a smart city and achieved many important results in recent years.

Efforts on smart city construction roadmap

Da Nang smart city development policy was formed in 2010 when the city adopted the e-Government Architecture. In 2014, the city officially put into use the e-Government Information System and started piloting some smart applications in traffic, environment, health, education, hygiene and food safety.

In particular, Da Nang City embarked on the smart city construction project in 2018 and officially announced it in 2019. Accordingly, Da Nang defines six priority pillars: Smart administration, smart economy, smart citizen, smart environment, smart traffic, and smart life. Then, 16 specialized fields are prioritized for implementation: Intelligent operations center, intelligent public services, open data, smart travel, smart commerce, smart agriculture, smart energy management, smart water management (supply and drain), smart waste management, smart education, smart health, smart sanitation and food safety, smart public security and emergency response, disaster prevention and search and rescue, smart citizen, and smart traffic.

The smart city construction roadmap is divided into three phases with specific goals: To 2020: Readily smart infrastructure, platforms and data; from 2021 to 2025: Smart applications; and from 2026 to 2030: Smart community applications. The total budget for this roadmap VND941 billion to 2020 and VND1,197 billion in 2021-2025. The budget for the 2026-2030 period will be calculated before 2025.

At the same time, to become a smart city, Da Nang has paid attention to invest in developing infrastructure and e-government system; training high-quality human resources; call for funding sources and coordinating well with experts and businesses to support smart solutions; calling for response and support of people to find consistent solutions to carry out 16 fields above.

All for people

Continuing with the smart city development orientation, the Da Nang City People's Committee recently approved Decision 934/QD-UBND dated April 7, 2022 ratifying the implementation plan for the “Da Nang Smart City Construction” Project in 2018-2025 and to 2030” in the 2022-2025 period, with many programs and projects to be implemented in the coming period.

The plan aims to uphold effective outcomes of the Project in 2021-2025, closely link to Resolution 05-NQ/ TU dated June 17, 2021 of the City Party Committee and Decision 2870/QD-UBND dated August 28, 2021 of the City People's Committee on Da Nang Digital Transformation Project to 2025 and further to 2030.

Based on the “Da Nang Smart City Construction Project in 2018-2025 and to 2030”, the medium-term public investment plan for the 2021-2025 period, its smart city tasks, programs and projects put forth some projects to be implemented in 2021-2025: Upgrading and expanding the metropolitan area network (MAN), intelligent travel monitoring system (first phase), traffic and transport database, natural resources and environment monitoring system, school IoT device network, upgrading and expanding Da Nang Data Center (first phase), and centralized, multitasking monitoring, operating and processing center (first phase).

Besides, it has other projects like forming an integrated platform and sharing specialized data; building database (first phase); updating and upgrading the shared platform and applying the E-Government information system; tourism database; educational database and electronic school records; forest monitoring; land database; housing, construction, electricity, lighting, water supply and drainage map database; and smart hospital.

Decision 934/QD-UBND dated April 7, 2022 shows that smart city development approach is always concerned by the city government with the ultimate goal as Mr. Le Trung Chinh, Chairman of the City People's Committee once said, all is for the people. “Along with support from central agencies, we will do our best to make Da Nang a smart city, meet public satisfaction and wishes,” he added.

By Vietnam Business Forum