Breakthrough Solutions to Industry and Trade Development

10:49:20 AM | 24/8/2020

Realizing the Government’s “dual goal”: Preventing epidemic and reviving the economy, the industry and trade sector of Ha Nam province is making efforts to achieve the goals and plans set for 2020.

Breakthrough signals

Mr. Dang Anh Tuan, Deputy Director of Ha Nam Department of Industry and Trade, said the province’s socioeconomic performance made positive progress in May 2020. Industrial manufacturing, trade and service activities strongly rebounded. Compared with April, the index of industrial production (IIP) rose by 25.1%; total retail sales of consumer goods and services increased by 37.9%; and export value jumped 17.8% to US$265 million.

As COVID-19 is still evolving rapidly around the world, to achieve best results of objectives and tasks set out in 2020, Ha Nam has focused on carrying out following solutions:

First, reviewing and streamlining administrative procedures, reducing costs for businesses, improving the business investment environment; attracting investment capital for targeted projects and sectors, especially foreign investment.

Second, accelerating construction, removing hardships in site clearance and public investment spending.

Third, solving hardships, facilitating business operations, especially in land, investment, construction, credit, tax and customs; carrying out marketing solutions; monitoring market movements, advising the Provincial People's Committee to apply measures to market and price stabilization.

Fourth, boosting tourism promotion, organizing events after the end of COVID-19 epidemic, developing new tourist markets in many forms and many channels; improving the most complete service quality, attracting tourists from potential markets.

Fifth, handling labor issues, stabilizing and maintaining production of enterprises and livelihood of workers in the province.

Sixth, further strengthening communications, thoroughly understanding instructions and solutions to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic, preparing human resources and means, proactively deploying plans and scenarios to cope with all situations.

Developing supporting and manufacturing industries

Local enterprises have actively restructured production and overcome difficulties to improve management capacity, quality, production and business performance, actively adapting to new situations and requirements. A key factor to achieve the above results is to focus on unifying the effective implementation of Resolution 04-NQ/TU of the Provincial Party Committee and Plan 990 KH-UBND Plan of the Provincial People’s Committee on promoting supporting and manufacturing industries and create the foundation for rapid and sustainable industrial development in the 2016-2025 period. The province has concentrated on carrying out consistent solutions in the 2016-2025 period: (1) Enhancing the effect of investment promotion; (2) reviewing and amending industrial zone development planning, with focus placed on construction of synchronous infrastructure and convenient traffic connection; (3) improving service quality in industrial zones; (4) preparing human resources in both quantity and quality; (5) reviewing, supplementing and flexibly applying mechanisms and policies and creating an attractive investment environment; (6) promptly removing difficulties and obstacles in production and business, strengthening market development support solutions for enterprises; (7) and intensifying environmental protection management, economical and efficient use of land.

In addition, the Department of Industry and Trade has strengthened communications and information on supporting industry development policies: Guiding enterprises to implement procedures to get investment preferences in supporting industries prioritized for development as  per the Government's Decree 111/ND-CP dated November 3, 2015, on development of supporting industries; and Decision 68/QD-TTg dated January 18, 2017, approving the Supporting Industry Development Program in 2016-2025.

Box: Target for 2020: the province’s industrial production value will reach VND122,618 billion (US$5 billion); total retail sales of goods and services will amount VND29,700 billion (US$1.2 billion); and export value will rise to US$3.565 billion.

Source: Vietnam Business Forum