Accelerating Development of Digital Government, Economy and Society

2:39:04 PM | 26/1/2024

In alignment with Decision 749/QD-TTg, issued on June 3, 2020, by the Prime Minister, which approves the National Digital Transformation Program through 2025 with a vision to 2030, Binh Thuan province has been vigorously advancing its digital transformation efforts. The objective is to achieve the goal of ranking among the top 20 provinces and cities in the country in terms of digital transformation by 2030. This goal is in accordance with Resolution 10-NQ/TU, proposed by the Provincial Party Committee (14th term) on March 18, 2022.

The launch ceremony of the Smart Urban Operation Center of Phan Thiet city

Synchronous, comprehensive, and centralized digital transformation

Resolution 10-NQ/TU of the Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee, which provides guidance on digital transformation through 2025 with a vision to 2030, promotes digital transformation across three main pillars: digital government, digital economy and digital society. By placing people and businesses at the heart of digital transformation, digital platforms are designed to enhance quality of life and foster business development.

Mr. Vo Thanh Cong, Director of the Department of Information and Communications in Binh Thuan province, said that since the enactment of Resolution 10-NQ/TU, the department has actively advised the Provincial People’s Committee on issuing numerous documents to fully develop a digital government, digital economy, and digital society in accordance with the province’s conditions. The department has concentrated on implementing specific tasks to develop a digital government, thereby stimulating the development of a digital economy and digital society.

To date, digital transformation in Binh Thuan province has yielded remarkable results. The province has constructed, developed, synchronized, connected, and integrated a public employee database, civil status database, and electronic citizen health database with national databases. The document management and administration system has been deployed across 660 units throughout the province, with over 8,300 accounts. The information system for handling administrative procedures has been implemented and used consistently across the province. The education management information system (VN-edu) has been deployed in 746 schools, meeting 100% of the expected usage. The health examination and treatment management information system (VNPT-HIS) is operational in 143 out of 144 public medical facilities in the province. The online video conferencing system has been installed at 136 points, including two at the Provincial People’s Committee, all 10 district-level points, and all 124 commune-level points. As many as 1,147,470 electronic health records have been created, accounting for nearly 92% of the total population. Level 2 electronic identity accounts have been established for 70% of qualified citizens.

Additionally, the province has constructed and approved the Provincial e-Government Architecture, Version 1.0, to ensure requirements and synchronization with the e-Government Architecture framework as guided by the Ministry of Information and Communications. Binh Thuan has constructed and operated the ESB provincial data interconnection, sharing, and exchange platform (a component project of the e-Government Architecture Framework) in the form of service rental to interconnect and integrate data on the system.

Operating IOC toward a digital government, digital economy, and digital society

Regarded as the “digital brain” within digital government and smart cities, the Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) plays a pivotal role in synthesizing and analyzing data, tracking trends, and making forecasts for the Provincial People’s Committee. The center is an essential tool for leadership and administration, optimizing management by enabling authorities to collect, analyze, and process databases for smart and effective decision-making. Concurrently, it provides convenient public services, thereby enhancing the quality of life for citizens and improving urban management.

Binh Thuan province is committed to deploying a unified IOC platform across the province to prevent duplicated investment, waste and the use of multiple systems for identical tasks. The province consistently and synchronously utilizes a common platform for the provincial IOC and district-level IOCs. Upon deployment, district-level IOCs must ensure their connectivity with existing digital platforms, information systems, and databases to provide data to IOCs, while ensuring information security, data ownership, personal privacy, and addressing any arising security issues. They are also tasked with analyzing, processing, and generating effective reports and recommendations for government leadership and administration.

Currently, the Phan Thiet City People’s Committee is piloting the Phan Thiet IOC. In December 2023, the province initiated a pilot of the IOC Binh Thuan through digital platforms and smart city services, with main modules encompassing socioeconomic management, medical management, education management, public administration management, a situational reflection system, and a cyber information monitoring system. Notably, the situational reflection system has been launched synchronously throughout the province, with agencies and localities receiving and processing information reported by organizations and individuals in accordance with the Coordination Regulations issued by the Chair of the Provincial People’s Committee.

As IOCs are deployed for administration, citizens are provided with the Digital Citizen application (available on smartphones and tablets) as a communication channel between the government and citizens, offering numerous utilities. “The operation of provincial IOCs and district IOCs represents merely the first step in building a digital government, digital economy, and digital society in Binh Thuan province. The path ahead is challenging and requires persistence, effort and unanimity across all sectors and levels, as well as the active support of businesses, organizations and individuals in the province. The ultimate goal is to position Binh Thuan among the top 20 provinces and cities in digital transformation by 2030, as per Resolution 10-NQ/TU of the Provincial Party Committee,” emphasized Director Vo Thanh Cong.

By Duy Anh, Vietnam Business Forum