Phu Tho Strengthening Resilience for Sustainable Development

12:11:24 AM | 23/12/2018

In 2018, Phu Tho province has been working drastically to attain important economic, cultural, social, national security and defence achievements, vividly demonstrating that the strength of solidarity of the Party, the government and the people has produced practical outcomes. Phu Tho is gradually affirming its top position in the northern mountainous region.

Economic prosperity
In 2018, with a strong engagement of the entire political system, the ongoing effort of the business community and the solid unity of the people, Phu Tho province has basically accomplished its significant objectives in almost all aspects.

Its gross regional domestic product (GRDP) has expanded 8.02 per cent in 2018, driven by a 10.82 per cent growth of industry and construction, a 7.17 per cent growth of service, and a 4.6 per cent expansion of agriculture. The GRDP is estimated at VND54,684 billion (US$2.34 billion) and per capita GRDP is VND38.95 million (US$1,680), an increase of VND3.09 million from a year earlier. The export value was US$1.33 billion, up 8.3 per cent from a year ago. Total investment capital has reached VND26,580 billion, up 12.4 percent. The state budget revenue aggregated at VND6,341 billion, up 16.5 per cent. 62.8 per cent of rural roads were cemented, an increase of 2.8 per cent from a year earlier. 20 more communes met new countryside standards, bringing the total number of qualified communes to 80.

The economic structure has been shifted positively, constituted by 39.6 per cent of industry and construction, 39.1 per cent of service and 21.3 per cent of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. To achieve these results, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Council and the Provincial People’s Committee have accelerated breakthroughs in administrative reform; focused on institutional reform, simplified procedures and strongly improved the investment and business environment; and operated the Phu Tho Public Administration Services Centre to enhance the openness and transparency in the settlement of administrative procedures. The improved quality of institutional reform and administrative reform in the province has created a favourable environment for business operations, business support, business start-ups and investment.

Promoting administrative modernisation: The province has directed all the units to deploy the electronic single-window system integrated with online public services and increase Level 3 and Level 4 public administrative services delivered online; issued criteria and methodology for rating the e-government of administrative agencies in Phu Tho province; piloted e-government at Yen Lap District People’s Committee; and worked out plans directing the arrangement and integration of residential areas in the province till 2019.

Enhancing administrative performance at all levels: Provincial and local authorities have strictly and effectively carried out tasks, conclusions and instructions of leaders of the Provincial People's Committee; basically completed the schedule and ensures the quality of task performances; markedly raised the sense of responsibility and service quality of public employees; and conducts regular inspections of task performances.

Effectively rationalising administrative apparatus: In 2018, the province has reorganised the apparatus and the staff of all units affiliated to the Provincial People’s Committee, thus reducing 69 units; carried out staff downsizing, resulting in 147 premature retirees and four resignees; and handed over the Market Management Bureau under the Department of Industry and Trade to the General Market Management Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Resolution 35 vigorously enforced
After nearly two years carrying out Resolution 35, Phu Tho province has obtained many positive achievements. In 2018, the province has regularly hosted business dialogues and receptions, effectively settled feedback and recommendations filed by enterprises. Phu Tho has licensed 810 new businesses, 17 per cent more than a year ago. By the end of 2018, the locality has 7,360 registered enterprises, or 92 per cent of the target of 8,000 enterprises set in Resolution 25-NQ/TU of the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee on business development to 2020, of which more than 5,600 are operational, accounting for 76 per cent. Post-registration business inspection was focused to revoke and terminate inactive enterprises or violating enterprises.

The province has continued to renovate and rearrange the state economic sector, proceed with equitisation and divestment in State-owned enterprises under the State Enterprise Restructuring and Modernisation Plan to 2020; sped up the conversion of public non-business units into joint stock companies according to the plan approved by the Prime Minister; continued to review, integrate and report the conversion of public non-business units into joint stock companies to the Government.

Phu Tho has placed focus on developing the collective economy. The province has established 22 new cooperatives and dissolved 13 cooperatives. It has 408 active cooperatives out of 473 cooperatives and over 1,429 cooperative teams. The work of building a new cooperative model has been brought into full play and replicated. After being converted, cooperatives operate more efficiently and employ more than 4,000 full-time workers.

To effectively implement Resolution 35, all the units in the province have focused on enhancing the effectiveness of law enforcement, mechanisms and policies; strengthened disciplines and clearly defined the accountability and responsibility of unit heads. As for the business community and businesspeople, the province has attached importance to renovating enterprise administration to raise productivity, quality, performance and competitiveness; enhancing the awareness of regulatory compliance and integrity in business; building corporate culture, business ethics, healthy competition; and promoting social responsibility.

The provincial government has accelerated administrative reform, improved the business and investment environment, enhanced the efficiency of receiving, processing and answering feedbacks and proposals lodged by enterprises and people; and focused on deploying Level 3 and Level 4 public services to facilitate enterprises. At the same time, Phu Tho has stepped up information and communications on mechanisms, policies and law on business support and development to people and enterprises. It has regularly praised good performers and seriously rectified wrongdoers.

Towards leading provinces of northern mountainous region by 2020
To become a leading province in the northern mountainous region, achieve the GDP growth of 7.5 per cent per year and bring the GDP per capita to US$2,400 in 2020, Phu Tho province will focus on promoting agricultural industrialisation and new countryside construction. It will speed up the project on crop and livestock restructuring, the project on mechanisation, irrigation and large-field development. It will concentrate on fisheries development, strongly apply science and technology to improve productivity, quality and added value of plants, livestock and key products.

The province will develop key industries, attract investors and develop locally advantageous industries and products featured with high scientific content and high added value made by environmentally friendly technologies in industrial zones, and facilitate industrial enterprises to develop efficiently.

Phu Tho province will develop high-tech agriculture and green agriculture, promote large-scale commercial production, restructure the agricultural sector to raise added value and productivity in association with new rural construction, mobilise resources and attract businesses to invest in agriculture and rural areas. The locality will focus on steering land accumulation, developing commercial products, strengthening the connectivity in processing to seek more markets for agricultural products, pressing on new countryside construction and forming hi-tech agricultural zones.

In addition, the province will promote the development of services and tourism, improve the efficiency of financial and credit operations, develop human resources, enhance scientific and technological efficiency, effectively manage and use resources, protect and improve the environment.

Last but not least, Phu Tho will further improve the business and investment environment, promote entrepreneurship, facilitate private economic development, and see the private economy as growth engine of the province.

Ngo San